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I’m not normally slow… ok, well sometimes I am… but I’m laughing so hard at myself right now because I JUST figured out that Fragglesrock isn’t an actual seller. For seven months now, I’ve read posts about this guy and have thought, “He does so many horrible things, why doesn’t Fiverr kick him out?” Hahahahahahaha. I totally feel like I’m on the “inside” now 🙂

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Guest mrspanda


OMG Ozzie! You just brought back so many childhood memories for me! T_T I didnt know what it was but the second I heard the song, I remembered!

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Guest gamersuscentral

I actually think fraggle is part of the fiverr work team. That is why nothing ever happens to this person when he or she breaks the rules of fiverr. Plain and simple, fraggle has God mode turned ON. Hes invincible . He cannot get hurt! Sounds unfair? Don’t bother complaining to support about him. Nothing will happen.

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@ozzieuk: I think you missed the sarcasm tag in his reply. Long Live Fragglegod!

Side note: Happy to report that this may be the best known Canadian TV show of all time that nobody knows is actually a Canadian TV show or they never would of watched it in the first place because well who watches Canadian TV? Canadians don’t even watch Canadian TV but I digress…



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  • 1 year later...

What’s confusing is that there really is a profile named fragglesrock (fiverr.com/fragglesrock). Whether it’s a real person or just a dummy account setup by Fiverr to be funny, I kept wondering why anyone would buy anything from them since they seemed to have a horrible reputation.

Now obviously I know better, but it was extremely confusing at first!

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