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Are some of these vendors acquiring FAKE reviews?

Based on over 175 positive reviews, I hired someone to migrate my WordPress website form one host to another.

This experience has been the WORST! Terrible communication and service. He is late on the order, and then sends me an “offer” for me to pay more to speed up the process - after he is late! Extortion!

Based on this experience, I cannot believe this vendor received all these positive reviews. This is not the same person. I no longer believe the reviews are legitimate.

My current hosting was set to expire after the transfer, but because the Fiverr vendor did not perform, my hosting account was cancelled and my business suffers. Horrendous Fiverr experience!


I’m so sorry this happened to you!

It might be possible to have a lot of fake reviews but would be uncommon to have that many. I hope you can get your site back and your old hosting account somehow.


I don’t think it’s easy or practical to acquire fake reviews for Fiverr. I could be wrong but as a seller, it seems far fetched. I do know that there are 5 star sellers that aren’t very good at what they do, some outright frauds who steal work from websites and repackage it to their buyers.

Unfortunately, this site has its share of low quality buyers and sellers. Fiverr doesn’t really screen the legitimacy of every seller on their site, so this kind of possibility is to be expected. The good news is that there certainly are very professional sellers here. The bad news - it’s up to you to do your research and find them.


Nick, I don’t know how he could possibly have so many 5 star reviews if he treats his other customers this way. He was pretty friendly and aggressive upfront when i had questions. As soon as I paid him, the communication stopped and he did NO work. The project was late and he said he needed more money to move forward. I PAID him just to get it done, and guess what - no further communication and nothing has been done. Unbelievable.

I agree there are plenty of professional sellers here… and plenty of bad ones too. I did my research but still got burned. Hopefully this will be over soon… and I’ll have better luck with the next seller!!


Fake reviews are always possible. If you suspect foul play or unacceptable user behavior you may report it to customer support for further investigation.


Maybe he used to be legit and reliable…but…now taking too many jobs, getting lazy, want more $$

He might also be paying people for fake reviews, or “trading” reviews with other fiverr people.
I see ads for this on internet forums.


Nobody pays for 100 positive reviews, or even 50, that’s a lot of money. Maybe some crooks pay for $5, but if they suck at the job, their rating will drop to a point where orders stop coming.

Look, every order is different, some sellers are better suited to X while others do Y better. Sometimes there are personal problems, family emergencies, irresponsibility, etc. Just get your refund and hire someone else. End of story.


I don’t know, how sellers can do this type of works like a fool. It’s possible to have a lot of fake reviews by buying or exchanging reviews. But this is totally offensive. And I guess, a review is nothing than talent, look into new sellers, they have many new and exceptional talents.


Exactly. It’s not easy to stay consistent with Fiverr. I can definitely imagine some sellers tossing their responsibility for their client in favor of real life commitments.


As a new prospective buyer i have spent several hours trying to review potential sellers. I am looking for a logo so i tried looking up businesses which match the sellers example work. Of the 30+ potential sellers, and searching for around 5 logos each i was lucky to corroborate 2 logos for a handful of sellers. This does not give me much confidence in the legitimacy of those sellers. Of the 6 or so sellers who were members longer than 6 months, i found only 1 with reviews going back more than 2 months. Seeing 30 reviews all posted within 7 days is another suspicious practise. And yes, i did determine that some reviews were posted by other logo designers. Why would that be i wonder…
I think the tools to verify sellers - reviews and example work (within Fiverr) need work to be honest.

Guest backlinks_index

Sellers too have many orders.

Make sure some good sellers like me, hahahaha

Do not hesitate to communicate with the seller, as long as you are friendly, the seller also friendly.

Please pay them according to their expertise.

A poetic saying, if you want to move the mountain for $ 5.

Meungkin he is lying

Guest lulzpedia

Well its not like this one of my client who order 2 Gigs from me.I have check his profile He was web designer so I negotiate the price with him and use his service.Mostly seller buy from clients so Its doesn’t depend on that.

Guest article_profits

No one can have 175 fake reviews. He probably had something delaying him or couldn’t work on your site.


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