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Is selling on Fiverr a viable endeavor?

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So, today happens to be my first day pitching my first sale for I am eager to make competent blogs for the fiverr blogging community. I am heavily into blogging and thus is why I choose to create blogs for people. However, Not one person had even viewed my sale post. It was disappointing at the very least, to miserably fail on fivver. My quesion is, how long did it take you to make your first sale?

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An impending sense of doom can be uplifting.

I mean, someone “heavily into blogging” should be aware that getting anywhere with a blog–at least in the ka-ching sense–requires an enormous, no/underpaid effort at the beginning. Assuming that OP has stumbled upon this ray of light at some point thus far in his career, he may be able to follow the candy path to realize that Fiverr is much the same, but you at least get $5 thrown at you.

Giving up on day 1 and whining on the forum? Flower is wilted beyond saving, and may only be useful as pot potpourri, depending on local climate.

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Guest raimi86

I agree. As you can see, I’m new here lol. Been here about 18 days.

I’ve put effort into making my account the best it can be and offering services I know I can deliver on. I’ve made 1 sale through a Buyer Request, and it was completely different to the gig I was offering lol I don’t really have a social network that would contribute to this, but I know a little bit about SEO.

In your honest opinion, looking at my account, would you advise me to keep trying, and if so for how much longer? or, should I just throw in the towel?

Your advise would mean a lot.


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Hey! I am new to Fiverr too. I posted my first gig a few of weeks ago. Then, about two weeks ago I got a gig. Then I got two more on the same day soon after. Hang in there! It’ll start falling into place for you. Much success to you!! ~Milton

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You don’t have any portfolio samples that show customers what you can do, that’s why you aren’t getting orders.

Your gig descriptions are also too short.

Whether Fiverr is viable or not depends on the seller. Is a real estate license viable? I read 87% of new agents fail in the first year. Fiverr is A LOT easier than any sales job, each gig is a 24/7 FREE AD you’re getting.

But if an ad look bad, then it’s unlikely to sell. So the first thing to do is study your competition and see why they’re getting sales. You don’t have to steal their gig description, just use them as inspiration. After all, you need to have your own voice.

Either way, you only have two gigs, I suggest you make more and not all about blogging for crying out loud. If you like making Youtube videos, crank calls, video reviews, play music, etc, try doing that. If you have inside knowledge about something, maybe that can be a gig.

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Fiverr can be a very lucrative and rewarding platform to use, but it doesn’t come easy. It takes time, effort, and most important - thinking. Just like any freelance work, sales will go up and down. Just focus on providing a quality product, and you’ll be successful soon enough.

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