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My clicks and views are falling down regularly

Guest melany77

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@esthernyambura may I ask how you do that?

@melany77 please read my article I have just posted which explains a few things:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Have your sales been dropping in the past couple of weeks?

If YES, then you might want to read this. If NO, then you should read this as well... Since a couple of weeks, and perhaps more, I have noticed a serious drop in my orders and thought that it was one of those low periods we all experience as...

Reading time: 9 mins ? Likes: 60 ❤

John 🙂

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Clicks and views aren’t as important as your conversion ratio. Instead of trying to raise clicks and views, you should be looking at your conversion ratio which shows the percentage of people who saw your gig decided to make a purchase. Focus on what it takes to close the sale and increase your conversion ratio. Don’t worry about clicks and views, because they don’t mean as much as you think they do.

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Guest article_profits

That means you should change something in your gig, maybe something in your title or description. Also, you need to promote. I’ve found Twitter to be invaluable for this.

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5.5% to 6.5% is pretty good, although some sellers convert much higher. Also, I don’t know if the conversion ratio on your analytics page includes repeat clients who typically don’t visit your gig page to make an order, but just re-order via their order management page.

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Exactly. Conversions should be the name of everyone’s game.

Who cares if the entire internet clicked onto your profile / gigs page if no body is buying.

Test your headlines, description copy, gig photo regularly.

I’ve tested a few Videos for my gigs as everyone has always stated that it boosts conversions by upto 220%.

Videos tend to drop my conversions.

Test Test Test

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest melany77

hi there,
is it necessary that you must have large number of followers on twitter if you need to advertise your gig on twitter?

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