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We have been seeing a number of new sellers struggling to get their first few
sales here on Fiverr, but realize that in some cases - this lack of sales comes from a faulty gig setup.

We will be helping 10 sellers by ordering that ‘New’ Gig, with the intent to:

  1. Proofread your Gig page for grammatical errors/broken English - which usually turns off 70% of buyers who may find those errors and head back to the search.

  2. Advise (from our standpoint) what may be lacking from your gig presentation to the average buyer.

  3. Of course - Put you one step closer to achieving a Level 1 Badge with this purchase.

**** New Sellers Must Have LESS Than 5 Orders/Reviews On Their New Gig So Far.****

Post your New Gig Link in the comments section, and in one sentence, state what your gig is about. We will more than likely order from the first 10 that meet the ‘criteria’ above.


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Guest deavenmiller1

Hey , My Name Is Deaven Miller , My Main Gig I offer is Being a Songwriter , I offer to write Custom Lyrics for Customers! I have 9 Sales all together So I
don’t meet your Criteria for you to purchase my Gig 😦 , But I want to Know can you please Tell me what I am doing wrong , I have Awesome Reviews but ever since I’ve made the 4 Sales on This service I haven’t made anymore!
I charge $5 To write one Verse , $10 For a Verse and Hook and $15 for a full song! I’ve been Writing for 6+ Years , I have 2 Awards for Indie Writing and I’ve written Over 200+ Songs for People Outside of Fiverr , Am I charging to much? Is my Gig not correctly Tagged or what? Please help me I will forever be greatful!

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Hello @deavenmiller1 - We see where you joined Fiverr in February 2016 (this month) and have received all 7 orders within that time. Some even 2/3/4 days ago. This shows your gig is pretty much on a good note seeing Fiverr now has over 10 Million users here, and your review dates are that recent. Some sellers go weeks without 1 sale. There will be times when your sales will slow down, but what you can do here to increase your visibility is download the Fiverr app for your mobile device so you show as online while away from your laptop/PC. Additionally, in your gig video, you mentioned you have over 2.5 million views on FB and 50,000+ on sound cloud - this may be your ticket to dozens of sales. Share your link on these pages/sites and ask your friends to share it as well. Each click that your link receives brings your gig views/clicks up (ask each person to also favorite your gig page). This helps with popularity and increases your ratio of being shown on the front page or recommended page of Fiverr, as well as helps you climb the table in search results via keywords.

You can also post your link on fan pages on FB that have millions of followers. (Pages that may be for songwriters etc.)

Finally, you could ponder the possibility of uploading a part of one of the songs you’ve written, so buyers get a taste of what they’re possibly buying. Otherwise, contribute to the forums and keep that 100% rating you have. If you get anything less than a 5 star, lobby with the customer to find out what aspect they had a problem with, and offer to resolve it as best as possible until their satisfaction earns you that rating. Don’t slap 1 star reviews for unscrupulous buyers who leave you a one star. That only affects you my friend. Work it out with them if it’s legit, or let CS help if they’re mischievous.

All the best!


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Guest gabreil360

Hi there,

First of all thanks for giving us(new sellers) a chance to be successful. Below are my gigs and i just hope i get selected.

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