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My Best Tip Ever


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I was 16 years old when I received my first tip. I was working at a fast food restaurant in Barcelona and a client from the United States gave me $1. I got shocked because at that time I thought tips only existed in movies and dreams.

Eleven years later, yesterday, I proofread a client’s book here on Fiverr and he gave me $37 more after delivery. My best tip ever.

Fiction is great. But when you get good reward from your hard and honest work, there’s nothing better than reality.

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That’s nice, dear. But what if you had been working in the US and you relied upon tips as a server (etc) to make a living wage, instead of Europe where your employers had to pay you one and tips were a bonus?

I live in Greece and I loved my tips–I had a €200/month wage and tips made more than 50%. It was illegal, but so was I. The big question here, though, if we’re gonna do US tips is were they both 20%?


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