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Don't Bid on Bad Offers


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Guest havardh

i want to answer your question @solow13 regarding (why fiverr let this kind of gigs alive?
its because Fiverr is a market place.
I also agree with fastcopywriter that (if there are no buyers, there is no fiverr.

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I’d say let the guy roll out his thing and see where he gets though. Although yes, I agree with most of you that it could be a bad offer, some people are trying to leave an impression before buyers this way. They thing that if they give out much more for 5 USD they will succeed here on fiverr.

Hey, we all started from somewhere.

Best regards to all and happy holidays. I just hope that the up coming 2016 becomes better then the 2015 🙂

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Personally I don’t bid on any of those things. I always figure people who bid on the bad offers are either desperate to get some positive reviews, and get to lvl 1. Or they genuinely desperately need the work. I admit, getting started on Fiverr is intimidating. It took me a few months to get to the point I’m at now.

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I’ve been there before. I offer 1,000 words of content per $5, which is still quite a bit of content for on the cheap compared to professionals. At least once a day I get “I saw a guy offer 3,000 words for $5, can you do that I promise to bring you more work.” which I have to turn down.

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Depends on the content.

If we’re talking creative writing, roughly ~20 minutes or so. I simply read the information they give me, spend 5 minutes writing a quick outline, let me mind wander, and go. Then another 10 minutes proofreading.

It’s a little bit different when it comes to article writing, but for the most part my writing is in content generation. Research behind things is extra.

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My grandfather flew on Corcorde from London to NY back when it was still a thing. Obviously it cost $$$ but you do get a dinky free model of Concorde to pop on your mantelpiece and show off to the non-Concorde peasants. The food was also quite good. Funnily enough, my grandfather never talks about the sights of NY, just how marvelous supersonic flight and service is.

For most of us though, we’ll be happy to save $ and be treated like cattle for a few hours while hopefully not dying.

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Right, “expensive” is a negative word and we rarely use those in advertising. We might say premium, “discriminating customer,” luxury, lavish, first class service, exclusive, etc.

The funny thing is that everyone is looking for a bargain. Billionaire Warren Buffett used to fly coach, he did that for many years until flight delays, the TSA, and the horrors of commercial aviation were too much for him. Now he loves his private jet because he can fly when he wants, and be productive, instead of being stuck in a busy airport with the rest of humanity.

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My parents did the same, once I think. They said the seats were not very big, the food was OK. Obviously, the main selling point of the Concord was speed, going from New York to Paris in 3 hours was a huge deal. It is sad that the Concord doesn’t fly anymore, one air disaster and they discontinue it. Ridiculous. Regular planes have had plenty of air disasters, they don’t discontinue those.

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Well, yes, expensive is a no-no as is cheap. You’re looking for the aspirational words that say the same thing, Concord’s USP was supersonic flight–travel almost halfway across the world in two hours for the meeting and be back home in time for supper.

I imagine Warren Buffet also loves his private jet because he’s not getting spotted by “hey, is that Warren Boofay?” people who then thrust the entire history of their investment decisions onto him! Along with the other horrors of modern flight.

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I do a lot of SEO services and often times I get people coming to me asking to rank for the words “business” and “freelance” and other pretty broad keywords. Even “Electronics” and they say, “Will $5 cover this, I need it by this weekend.”


Unfortunately with as popular as outsourcing has been over the years, most buyers expect a lot for nothing.

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Guest cutncue

YuP That’s True Now More Buyers Start Buyer Request with non Beleiveable Amount Even others are giving their BIDS WHY YOU ALL DO THAT?

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Yeah, I understand when celebrities aren’t friendly. If I was being interrupted by perfect strangers all day, I might start getting a little cranky. However, I did shook Frank Sinatra’s hand once, and met Jackie Mason once as well. They were nice, some love having fans, and it’s not like I was asking them how to sing or how to do comedy.

Concord’s USP’s was brilliant, and it made sense. For some people, time is money indeed. Of course, nowadays with internet connection while you fly, you can make money even if you’re stuck on a plane or train.

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