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How One conversation thread turns $5 to $500!

Guest joe_stevens007

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Guest joe_stevens007

This is Joe Stevens an online marketer, SEO Expert, Web developer.

I would like to tell you my own story, a story about an efficient conversation, a conversation thread that disables customers to bargain much.
Every seller in the fiverr needs to face a conversation prior to have the magic order, (especially new sellers). We usually receive a query about something, and then we start serving at $5 followed by a custom order amounting as much as your professionalism can take.
Things we need to clear at GIG Description:
Please write in bold WHAT YOU WILL DO FOR $5? I had encountered one customer, who requires google 1st page rank at $5… !!!
Have a Mandatory Requirement on your GIG, as there are few customers who expects to get their work done without leaving their web url.
Let’s come to the conversation:
Your customer will leave a query first, referring his problem or objectives. At the very first message, you must have to assess his Critical Success Factors. Suppose,

A customer says, I need my website at google first page, you asked him for how many keywords, he/she couldn’t answered, that means – his objective is to get rank without getting niche related traffic and also he don’t knows much !!!
Yes you can tell him to accept $400 custom order (then he will make comparison about the budgets) but remember, those who don’t know basic things, their website content is not up to the mark, and without creative contents, you can’t take him to top. (First reason we encounter negative review)
Why don’t you just be honest !!! tell him that SEO is a long term process, like you, every competitors of yours are looking for the same…. Tell him to order a $5 gig to let u analyze his website first. (I usually don’t waste my time on any other’s website without money). Then give him a report with a highly professional touch.
That order surely will gift you a nice review because your customers also looking forward to work with, otherwise he didn’t ordered your gig!
When I say my customer that neither a human being, nor I can take your website at first page, and explain the reasons, HE always welcome me and come up with a long term agreement… ( If you have minimum 10 LONG TERM little amount contract such as $50 for month, you won’t be depressed if you don’t have further orders, It helps you to concentrate on side gigs)

Try to tell your customer that, do not incur huge amount of investments first, and invest regularly for a long term, because GOOGLE LOVES SLOW AND STEADY WORK!!! Human psychology always agrees that offer. Because it appears like you are thinking and caring about his pocket!!!

I usually submit double order, meaning that someone ordered a gig 20 backlinks, I give him 32 backlinks and write: I am giving u 12 extra with the hope that you will order again… and if you do so, or order two gigs, I will give you another 12 backlinks as a complementary offer… Believe me I have found nobody who disrespected my marketing strategy.
To collect material about that article, Yesterday I asked some sellers about backlinks @ $5, some of them offered me thousands of backlinks, AggggggHHHHHH,
Educate your customer about spamming & good SEO strategy… Leave regular tips regarding the website. Do not think, if you tell him, he will do on his own, don’t think like that!!! People who want to let their works done by an expert; He will must come with an offer…

All you need to do, you have to be AN EXPERT SPECIALIST ON SEO, Keep educating yourself regularly…
If you are a newbie, search about ‘Google SEO Start up guide’ or see Webmaster’s videos on youtube….

I would feel proud, If I helped you somehow here… Please let me know about your observations by leaving a comment….

Thank you.

Guest nicolebrand

Nice write up. Cnicolebrand/fiverr.com for your professional business plan.

Guest joe_stevens007

Everything I write from personal experiences…

Guest jensenmatt45

Nice Write UP 🙂 keep helping us to learn

Guest hawkkseo

Really great tips!
There is no way to rank first at search engines within short period of time. I’m offering free BONUS to my customers already so let’s see when I start getting results.

Guest article_profits

very helpful tips here. thank you


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