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For new sellers


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Dear new sellers, don’t use the “Buyer Requests” feature in wrong way. It doesn’t help to boost up your sales. I have recently seen a request as follow:

only for buyers, we are having small team of creative designers with up to five years experience. we will design your logo, flyers, posters, web, app, illustrations, fell free to discuss with us.

A lot people post request like this but it can’t help them to boost sales because only sellers can see in buyer request. Buyer cannot see what request other people have posted (unless they have some gigs). So, your request isn’t seen by any buyer.

All you should do is to promote your gigs on social media and just wait.

Posting spam request doesn’t help at all.

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Guest nicktribedesign

Spam requests are a nuisance and a general turn off. Attract buyers to your gig by using the right tags to meet your target audience and by using discounts and deals to tempt new customers.

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You might as well be King Canute. Have you noticed how all the upgrades and changes made are generally pretty and not helpful?

Bit like the waves, really. Let’s say that your English isn’t great and you’re using Google Translate or similar for your communications. A native/fluent speaker knows that Buyer Requests means that someone is seeking a service. A badly optimized translation engine might parse it as “request for buyers” or something like that.

The simplest solution is to give some poor soul a mod job of allowing requests through. Or hiring translators to make this site into more languages. But those cost money, rather than raking in the 30% (including the buyer fee that hardly ever gets mentioned on top of the seller fee).

Also, complaining here is a waste of time: Fiverr won’t see it, and 99% of sellers doing this aren’t going to fanny about on an English forum in their spare time.

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