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Live Portfolio™


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Got a quick question for the pros,

My live portfolio is full right now with all the “Real Samples” they are 23, i just noticed it started to kick the old ones out, they happen to be my favorite ones too, any way i can prevent that from happening?

Thanks in advance

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  • 7 months later...

As others here have already stated, this is no good for Gigs surrounding audio files and such.

Come on fiverr, get it together. You could be much better. I honestly cant believe that your team cant figure out what to do and what not to do.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi! You mentioned that we, as sellers, we can choose one of the images we uploaded to be part of our live portfolio.

The project I’m interested to show in my portfolio is already there, but not the picture out of 2 I want to show. How can I switch the picture?

(The project was completed 7 days ago).

Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

I really like live portfolio, but I wish there was a way I could use it for my voiceover work as well. Right now, it only seems compatible with video and image files, not audio files.




My only issue with the system is that customers are not leaving me feedback sometimes now because they are afraid the “live portfolio” will display their work (though they do not tell me this before delivery). Since they are often resellers working “through clients” they don’t want the work linked to either of us, apparently.




I personally feel this is unnecessary, because I should have the right to use their work in my portfolio at the least to show new customers what I can do.




However, I also know there is a way to choose to not show the image on the feedback when you leave it. I tried to explain this to a buyer, but they never figured it out and then decided to NOT to leave me feedback in fear their client’s project might be displayed on my profile… this really isn’t fair to me. They were happy with the work and they told me they would leave feedback if they could “figure out how” to do so without the image.




Maybe the “on/off” option could be a little more visible.


yeah same hear

live portfolio is really need to us

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