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Have your sales dropped? The reason and solution!


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Are you upset because your sales have dropped?

Check this out!!

Let me clarify 5 interesting points to take into consideration. Don’t forget that this can happen to sellers who were active on fiverr since 2010, 11, 12 etc. The reason being is that Fiverr has been updated so much that it’s hard for most sellers to keep their gigs and profile updated. Because of that I have created this post.

Adjust your gig toward your buyer’s perspective. Put yourself in your buyer’s shoes.

Follow this:

Search for a service you like on Fiverr.com. You’ll notice there is a panel on the left of the results. You may use this to simplify what you are looking for and how long you wish to receive it.

  1. Shop Category

    It is extremely important to put your gig in the right category. Ask yourself what keywords you’d type to see your gig! If you place voiceover gig into graphic design you most likely will end up with no sales. (This usually doesn’t happen but many gigs are in the wrong categories!)

  2. Delivery Time (Relatively new)

    If you can deliver your service in 2 days, change it to 2 days! Just several months ago this did not make any difference with search results. That has changed. Buyers do have the choice to simplify their search after all.

  3. Online Status - NEW!

    It’s a new feature! People want to know that you can communicate with them with a fast response time. If you have a smartphone download the app. You don’t have to be on your computer the entire time, you can be doing laundry while you keep a tab with Fiverr.com open.

  4. Seller Level!

    Buyers have the choice to eliminate any sellers with any level badge! Obviously you can’t help this feature but you should definitely keep that in mind.

  5. Seller Language.

    If you know a second language add it!

    Keywords and tags are a must. Make a search and see how others are successful in your field!

    I hoped contributed a little…
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  • 10 months later...

I think I’m going to play around with the delivery time. I noticed when I was willing to deliver quicker (within 24-48 hours), it seemed sales rolled in a little quicker. I just get nervous about getting overwhelmed and failing to deliver on time, so I tend to extend the lead time and deliver sooner than I have on my gig.

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Guest djbsf1

Ya thanks for reminding these infos. Still lurking since past week with only 3 sells. Donno what’s happening …

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