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How often do you reword your gig titles, descriptions and gig extras?


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fiverr does what they heck they feel like with no explanation and there Support does not care and just give text book answers.

I had a WordPress gig Denied because of so called Trademark issues and when I contact them. The only response I get was you can’t have a gig offering those services. You know offering to help people install WordPress, Fix Hacked websites, Customizing CSS / JavaScript programming. Having a service for a Category that they have. I am told to offer other gigs with a different topic / service.

I kept asking them about it to get them to give me a straight answer to where they finally consented to have it looked at again to figure out why it was denied because I had pointed out several other gigs offering the exact same service. In the mean time I had already added another gig offering these services.

Well a day later, they have denied the new gig and restored the original and then sent me a message telling me that the first one was denied because I had a duplicate gig on my account which was a load of BS.

Well just the other day I made the mistake of making a few minor text changes on my gig to have it Denied again. And this time when I contact them regarding the issue. The response that I got was fiverr has decided to eliminate WordPress Category out completely.

So till they do, make sure that you don’t make an update on your fiverr Gig or it will get Denied. Since they have unofficially Denied my Gigs because of Trademark again and then when I ask them about it. I am told that they are getting rid of the WordPress Category.

And then I am told that it is nothing personal. Even though you go to fiverr and find tons of people offering WordPress Gigs. But because I made a change to mine, it has now been denied.

You know the stupid thing is that fact that I have made them over $200 in their fees in less then 3 month and yet, That does not mean anything to them.

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Reply to @hotwebideas: Remember what I said way back then about not drawing attention to oneself. Well, here is a lesson for you. I have left my gig unaltered for months without any problems. Then I decided to add a new gig and all hell broke loose. All my gigs were put into review. Then they required that I change the images on my gigs because I used the same one (same as in my profile) for all my gigs. (That is one dumb rule that you cannot use the same image for as many gigs as you want). It took me 5 seconds to change the images but, I went an entire 24 hours with my gigs shut down because they were in review.

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I do not use to change my gigs. I think that it depends also on the kind of service you are offering and particular needs at a given time.

I have had a writing gig since almost one year ago. I accepted a big project with that gig and I didn’t realize about extending my deadline (I was a very new newbie at the time). That was a lot of time ago but I can’t change my deadline now, I have tried a million times and I’m unable to do so…

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Reply to @beatcraigslist: I guess you’re not supposed to use the same photo then. I never did and that is why your gigs were put into review, then it may have been a a trigger. I always change my descriptions and I disagree that it means you are drawing attention to yourself.

My best guess: The Fiverr mods already had you pegged. LOL


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wptazdesign said: So till they do, make sure that you don't make an update on your fiverr Gig or it will get Denied. Since they have unofficially Denied my Gigs because of Trademark again and then when I ask them about it. I am told that they are getting rid of the WordPress Category.


Wow, I have several Wordpress gigs and am still getting orders. Now I wonder what their criteria is.

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