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Buyers are gods


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How do you treat your buyers? I used to hear a saying, “customers are king” and rightly so because without them, you’re nothing. Granted, it can be frustrating sometimes when you meet a hard-to-please buyer. But, you can be diplomatic in your approach to any issues raised. In my experience so far on fiverr, I’ve learned that remaining unprovoked in all situations help the sellers to win. There was this experience I had with a buyer who made mistake in his instructions and was blaming me for it. I calmly explained everything to him and in the end, he saw his mistake. Despite that, I rewrote his article for him without extra charge. He has stayed with me ever since. The lesson is that there are benefits to remaining unprovoked in any situation for a seller.

In addition to the above, it’s imperative you maintain constant communication with your buyer after an order is placed. This reassures the buyer of your competence and any issue can be ironed out quickly, especially when the buyer gives you many specifications to follow.

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I completely agree with this one: “In my experience so far on fiverr, I’ve learned that remaining unprovoked in all situations help the sellers to win.” Exactly right! Keep a smile, be polite, and be careful with all buyers. The good ones will return, and the not-so-good ones will not.

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Gods? Sorry, no. My good buyers are wonderful and I appreciate them so much and I think they appreciate my services as well. I am not a god to them and they are not gods to me and never will be. I am polite to them, I give them hard work, I offer a profile that describes the real me accurately and I don’t use a fake photo. I write original content when the gig is for writing and my other work is original as well. 2 way respect is critical. I think my buyers get a great deal. They aren’t royalty and they certainly aren’t deities and if they expect me to treat them that way we may be able to get through one gig but I won’t be working with them again even if it were to cost me a TRS badge.

If you want to devoutly worship your buyers, I’ll send you any of the ones I that message me wanting to be treated like gods. Enjoy!

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Guest madisoncase

And I always write the steps of my actions: “Hello, I just now woke up and saw your letter.” Then: “I have read and everything is clear.” After the placed order: “I started to work and I think can handle faster.” And so on, the buyer have always aware of progress.

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I couldn’t agree more with @fonthaunt and @kjblynx. Buyers should be treated with the same respect as anyone in any situation - and that includes one’s self.

I can’t speak much about the “Indian tradition” because I’m not part of that culture, but I do know that if sellers are not there, who will provide services or products? Nothing would ever get accomplished. Buyers are no more important than sellers - neither can function without the other.

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