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SCAM with withdrawals?


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Reply to @sincere18:

Maybe some buyers requested refunds, maybe not, I am not sure because I have no access to my account more than 50 days.

You understood me wrong…

I mean I have no Paypal account, but I have Payoneer and I can withdraw money there, but my account Payoneer not attached yet to my Fiverr account which was denied.

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Reply to @help__me: Maybe it wasn’t your buyers who complained, but Instagram. And if it was Instagram, Fiverr definitely had to ban your account for fraudulent activity.

As for the support ignoring your tickets, how many have you sent? If you sent more than one ticket about the same subject, it would be treated as spam and deleted. If you have mailed them several times about the same thing, that would also be seen as spam and blocked.

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Hello @help__me

The fact is that your story is really borderline, let’s face it. Forbidden service, a lot earned in a short time, got an account to withdraw but not linked, etc…

As you say “understand and try to imagine yourself at my place, what would you do?”.

Well imagine that the Fiverr team has to handle a LOT of cases like yours everyday. This is kinda boring and annoying, as the ToS are clear, isn’t it?

And what is the short way to cut to the conclusion when a story like your is way too much full of “yes but no but maybe but I want even if I know I did wrong”?

Well, it’s just what they did : close account and contact.

I DO understand it’s really disappointing for you. But face it : you tried to play and cheat… and you lost at this game.

One good thing is now you know perfectly how Fiverr works, including the forum. I’m sure with those skills of yours you will make money again. With clear rules and behavior. Better for you and for buyers, isn’t it?

And if my message wasn’t clear enough, I advice you to look at this image : http://cdn.themetapicture.com/media/funny-chart-triangle-jobs.jpg



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Reply to @catwriter:

Maybe Instagram complained to my gig but Fiverr support at least must to explain it and give me withdraw my money after safety period.

Ignore - not good way.

I sent 2 tickets from that account, not one was answered.

After that I created new account and tried to do it again, same thing, just ignore.

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Reply to @misscrystal:

I’ll try to explain…

I created account 1st February and start selling.

After 8-10 days account was blocked.

My Fiverr account not attached to my Payoneer account because funds on my Fiverr account was not cleared, I did not thought that my account will be blocked, I just waited when funds on my Fiverr account will be available to withdrawals and then wanted to attach it to Payoneer account.

But I did not have time to do it because my account was blocked.

If support will give me access to my account, I’ll add it to my Payoneer account and I will be able to withdraw money.

Do you understand?

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Reply to @minkymina:

I am not tried to play and cheat someone…

Maybe stories like my “boring and annoying” to Fiverr support but it’s their job, right??

They did their job when they blocked my account, but next part of this job - explain why they did it and which rule of Fiverr ToS I broke, and they must give me withdraw my money after safety period 45 days (this rule you can find in ToS).

I am interested if your account will be blocked tomorrow and you will not get any explaining why this happens, what you will do?

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Reply to @help__me:

Altogether according to you:

"to @mark74: I tried more than 4-5 times."

Which probably means you’ve now lost track of how many times and Fiverr has flagged your multiple accounts as spammers. That’s another breaking of rules and you seem to take no responsibility.

I imagine Instagram did complain and with your multiple site rule violations, Fiverr has every right to return all funds to the buyers. Instagram will remove the bot likes/follows you did if/when they wish and the money that the bots earned is not yours.

You said you had Payoneer but you also said "my Fiverr account not attached to Paypal or Payoneer!"

I know you are upset because when you think you’ve successfully scammed well enough to get $400 you think it’s your money. You can talk in circles in this thread forever and we can’t help you. It is unlikely that you will see a dime of the money earned via fraud. If Fiverr wants to, they know where to email you. In the meantime, you may as well move on. If you want to hire a lawyer, you can do that, but the forum cannot help you.

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Reply to @help__me: You don’t seem rude to me. I think you are sorrowful that you broke rules, got caught and lost money that you thought your Instagram bot/script earned. It doesn’t work like that.

No one on the forum can help you in any way. The account and money are gone, you probably are not owed anything and if that changes Fiverr will reach you by email. For now, move on. If you won’t move on, hire a lawyer (which will cost more than $400.) I’m sorry. If you get to try again, dont break rules.

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Reply to @help__me:

Ok, but one thing we are trying to explain to you is that there are problems with gigs here on Fiverr that sell Likes and Followers to social media sites. Those accounts can get shut down right away, especially if someone makes a lot of money in such a short amount of time, the account will possibly get triggered that something is wrong.

This is why you have to read very carefully the Terms of SErvice.


There is a list of what can be considered a violation. And if you violate the TOS, it says they can simply delete your account.

One of the things that is listed is this:

"Gigs misleading to buyers, including violations of third party terms of service"

That means if it’s against the policy of that other website, in your case Instagram, to buy likes for their accounts, that means you are in violation of the third party terms of service, and therefore in violation of Fiverr rules. You need to read the Fiverr ToS carefully and also go read Instagram ToS as well to see if you were doing anything wrong.

And just because another seller might be doing it, they maybe have not been caught yet. Maybe someone that bought a gig from you got banned on Instagram, you never know what could have happened.

Do you sell these kind of followers and likes anywhere else besides Fiverr? And how many total gigs did you sell that your total earnings were $400? Did you sell 80 gigs? Or did you create a higher quote price for some people?

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