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When and How did you become a Top Seller?


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Hi Guys!

I’ve read from somewhere that “everyone can be on Fiverr, but not everyone will be successfull on Fiverr”. Well , of course we know that different people have different priorities and some sellers would be more serious about selling than other and stuff. So, for those of us who are serious about getting at the top of Fiverr, I would like to ask those that are already there, when did you become a top Seller (how many months after you joined) and what got you there (or maybe what do you think convinced fiverr to finally make you a top seller)?

I hit level 2 on my 2nd month and I am really excited (and working hard) to be a top seller.

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You need to become a top seller? then hire 10 hungry designers ready to work for food and minimal skills of adobe illustrator or photoshop give them $2 from every logo they will design, it’s not difficult they just need to download free vector logos or use free online logo creators for that so let’s calculate

if you will deliver 100 orders a day you will earn 4*100=400

so $200 you will give to your designers $20 for each designer a day it’s a good salary for countries like India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan

for example in India the GDP (nominal) is $1626 year! it’s $135 a month so it’s a $4,5 a day you are going to reward $20 a day 🙂 for downloading cliparts so you can deliver 100 orders a day earn $200 a day become a top seller because you have a 100 orders a day and do well in your business!!!



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That’s a very negative outlook, Darren. I once paid an Indian on Fiverr $50 to make me a very complex T-shirt design.

I’ve been on Fiverr almost two years, I became TRS a few months ago. I don’t know why I was selected other than the fact that my Teespring gig was the first on Fiverr, and it became very popular very quickly. My other gigs were selling well to, but Teespring probably put me on the map.

My reviews have always been high, I have a very liberal cancellation policy, and I focus on doing things I enjoy doing. I could probably make more money writing articles and book reviews, but I don’t like that, so I don’t do it.

My advice would be to find something that’s trending but nobody or few people are doing on Fiverr. Of course, not everything sells. So go forth, experiment, I’m jealous of you designers, I’m the one that needs to hire you every time I need an image for my gigs. At least you don’t have that problem. LOL

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Here, I will have to be disagree with you on some points! Yeah it’s true that to be a successful seller on a website like “Fiverr” is not an easy task but what if someone wants to be? It is not all about skills, knowledge and experience you have, much more comes into play. I have clear vision to say this! If someone wants to be, they can be! It’s not about “Fiverr” or any other website but it is about your planning, implementation and support. Thanks…

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I think I became TRS on my first anniversary on Fiverr–a few weeks after I put up my ghostwriting gig and made a few more specific gigs that maybe weren’t as “unique,” but made me a little more diversified. I’d also become pretty active in the forums. I remember reading somewhere that as important as high ratings, great customer service, and unique offerings are, community involvement/leadership is just as important.

Definitely do something that you love to do and provide the best customer service as possible. I think you can submit your account for review, but I don’t know if I’ve heard about that working out for anyone.

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Reply to @fastcopywriter:I’m very happy about you and your success on fiverr that you can spend $50 on T-shirt design 🙂 but here we are talking about inequality of sellers, it’s easy for you to give advice you are top rated seller, I can give advices also

  1. Always be kind with clients and never cheat with them!
  2. Think out of box and offer gig that others don’t!
  3. Promote your gig with social networks ask your friends and family members to make orders from you via fiverr
  4. Always deliver in time, if buyers don’t happy with the result make revisions until they will be satisfied!!!
  5. Be patient and wait… wait… wait… and everything will be perfect

    I stick to these rules 2 years and now everything is perfect,

    I’m not about that I’m out of orders, no and I’m not about that I have never been promoted by fiverr absolutely not, I’m about that you even couldn’t find me on search results I’m here more than 2 years, and my gig even didn’t appear at search results, my design skills is very high and I’m a good designer but this is my reality in fiverr so what about the newbies? sellers who don’t have a ratings yet? what you will advice them?

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Reply to @darrendesign: I started at the bottom just like everyone else, I haven’t forgotten that. Your advice is good, even though #3 has never worked for me, maybe it works for people with 5000 friends or more.

Your logo gig is popular, 511 reviews, impressive. But why not change your gig title to “I will design a LOGO”.

This gig: "I will jpg to VECTOR for $5"

Can become “I will VECTORIZE a jpg"

Also, mention time. Will you do this in 2 days, 3 days? “I will do this in 3-days for $5”. I notice that my gigs that mention time have more reviews than those that done, perhaps they get more orders.

“I will let you leave me a tip for $5” Sounds awkward

"I will accept a TIP” or “I will accept a TIP for great design work” sounds better.

“I will make a CHRISTMAS makeover to your logo for $5” Sounds wrong.

“I will give your logo a CHRISTMAS makeover” sounds better.

Realize there are over 3 million gigs on Fiverr. You talk about inequality, but equality only exists under the law, it doesn’t exist anywhere else. “All men are created equal” is misunderstood, men come in different colors, sizes, shapes, looks, ABILITIES, attitudes, etc. This isn’t the People’s Republic of Fiverr were everyone has the right to make the same amount of sales. And yet this platform offers amazing opportunities. Gigs can be found by experience, by whether they’re new, by the time it takes to deliver, etc. Sellers can research the competition and offer more or less.

Why not invest on your gigs? Hire proofreaders (and I don’t do that) to ensure your English is flawless. Create intro videos for people that like to watch them. I can’t guarantee you that you’ll succeed. My direct mail gig hardly gets orders. Perhaps Fiverr is like America, you have the right to pursuit happiness, you don’t have the right to get it.

Good luck.

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Reply to @darrendesign: You’re very kind. Normally I would have written all that in a private message, but I wanted to share with the forum. I see a lot of gigs that would have more sales with a few tiny fixes. Best of luck, and remember, don’t do anything on Fiverr you don’t enjoy doing, and don’t be afraid to mutually cancel bad projects.

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@darren, at least you are in a design niche and have a chance to become TRS. What I can say in blog mentions niche? I can’t hope that I will become it. 2700 orders, 100% feedback, I guarantee noone in my category has better feedbacks or offers but still after 4 years no TRS and probably never.

Actually I do not care much about that badge, I would only like to have more than 20 gigs. I have 20 active gigs and all of them selling good so that’s my problem.

I think that TRS has no influence on orders or rankings… Maybe just slightly more better conversion rate, more gigs and a bit faster support.

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