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Buyer Requests - Give Me Access To All My Gigs

Guest evpassino

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Guest evpassino

Huge fan of Fiverr, especially after checking out some of the other freelance-type websites, but I’m super annoyed by this one thing…

I appreciate Fiverr trying to guess which of my gigs are suitable for a particular request, but about half the time it doesn’t give me the option to select the gig that’s really the best fit. I’ve tried switching up / adding keywords to the gig description and title, but there are plenty of times when all the keywords are all there and Fiverr wants me to offer a proofreading gig for an Excel-based request.

It would be nice if the drop-down just had all my gigs…and even better if there was a way to send a short message to the buyer along with it. I assume they have it programmed this way to prevent spamming or something, but if so they need to work on the algorithm that’s choosing the gig selection. It’s super annoying when I have a gig that almost perfectly fits the request, but it doesn’t show in the drop-down.

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It is bizarre to me when the buyer request is worded to exactly match my gig, but a totally different gig is offered. Someone wants social media and my love letter gig shows up. That it too weird.

I’m also annoyed that there are supposed to be hundreds of thousands of buyer requests, but I only see about 20 new ones a day. What’s up with that?

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Guest evpassino

@catwriter, that probably explains what we’re experiencing.

It’s still frustrating though and I hope Fiverr can find a solution. It basically prevents a seller with the right service from connecting with a buyer who’s ready to purchase, unless the stars align and they select the same category and subcategory. I could start posting duplicate gigs, but then it would be harder to get clients in cases where a duplicate gig doesn’t have reviews yet, even though I already have good reviews for the same service posted elsewhere. It’s easier for everyone is the service is consolidated to one gig.

Doubly frustrating is when I post a gig in a particular category, AFTER scoping out the competition and seeing rival gigs there, only to have Fiverr reject it and tell me to change my category. What is up with that?

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