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Consumer Protection Agency


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Consumer Protection Agency - Attorney General - BBB - Consumer Advocates - Department of Deceptive Trade Practices.

I have been in contact with 38 people that have unanswered complaints against Fiverr.

We will find more. It would be smart if someone over there started paying attention to what is going on and taking care of your customers: Here is mine: FIX IT.

I hired a Fiverr to make a Fan Page for me. Once this was done I asked him to remove himself as Administrator and appoint me. It has been two weeks and he still has not done as I asked. Repeatedly he has ignored my requests.

I filed a complaint a week ago. He quickly cancelled the gig and refunded my money but is STILL on my Fan Page as Administrator. For the last two weeks I have not been able to do any Book promotions because he is holding my Fan Page hostage. FIVERR has done NOTHING ABOUT IT. No one has gotten back to me.

They think that because the gig has been canceled that it is over… but not for me. I WANT MY FAN PAGE BACK AND THIS GUY…fragglesrock… OUT OF MY LIFE. Ticket #737314

> Sheriff’s Note: Calling out users is not allowed.


Please stop spamming forum because of your issue. I can agree that customer support of fiverr is pretty slow but you are doing this wrong and what you complain about is mostly your fault.

First, fiverr is here like a marketplace, to connect buyers and sellers. Ratings are there to have a clue if a seller is good or bad. Fiverr cannot and will not ever guarantee for the work done. Fiverr can only refund you and you got your money back.

But fiverr, like any other online or offline marketplace cannot guarantee quality of the job. When doing business when you need to share your passwords and accounts you should be careful. When I do that kind of jobs online I only give my access to people I trust.

You buy a non working fridge from a store. Store refunds your money. But store is not responsible if that non working fridge made some other disasters in house. It is a problem with fridge manufacturer. Store only sells. So you need to complain against manufacturer. So does the fiverr works.

You should also contact facebook customer support and explain it to them to ask to remove him as administrator.

So stop spamming forum! 🙂



This man is holding my livelihood hostage and all they need to do is say to him…“Just remove yourself. Do it now” But they don’t because they don’t care. This is my life they are screwing with.

I intend to do whatever it takes to make them listen and fix this.

YOU… should be ashamed of yourself. Have you clicked around the web to see how many people have been ripped off by Fiverr?


I HAVE CONTACTED Customer Support REPEATEDLY: That is the whole point… There is NO Customer Support .This man is holding my livelihood hostage and all they need to do is say to him…“Just remove yourself. Do it now” But they don’t because they don’t care. This is my life they are screwing with.I intend to do whatever it takes to make them listen and fix this.YOU… should be ashamed of yourself. Have you clicked around the web to see how many people have been ripped off by Fiverr? -


as I said, I agree that fiverrs customer support is not as good as it should be… But when talking about ripping off I am sure fiverr has no intention to rip off people. Fiverr is here to offer a service where INDIVIDUALS sell something like many other marketplaces. Fiverr has millions of sellers, and for that number there must be bad sellers who do not offer good service. You think that there are no rubbish sellers on ebay for example, or other freelance sites? There are everywhere. No company can control millions. They just can offer a refund.

And again, you should give your passwords or admin access to people you trust. And also, this issue is more for facebook customer support. Because fiverr sold you something, it is not good, fiverr refunded you. What else fiverr can do? Yes, fiverr can contact that guy and ask him to give you admin access and also ban him. But only facebook support can really give that access to you.

So do not shout at fiverr. Fiverr is helpin a lot of people to do honest business. I agree that they are not perfect in some ways but it is still new company and is developing yet. But yes, they should invest a bit more in ther customer support as it is really below average.


Well, I have to agree with @m2webs: Fiverr is not responsible for what this bad seller is doing to you; you got your money back, that’s all Fiverr can do for you.

Even if CS answers, if you convince them you’re right, the most they can do is removing seller account… but they can’t force this user to give you your fan page back!!

How can they? What are they supposed to do?


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