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Hey everyone. My name is Nakita. (Wow this feels like a support group introduction lol) I can’t remember how I came across Fiverr, but I can imagine it was the best day of my life. I needed help with some coding issues for my javascript class. I found a great programmer to help, and after that, I fell in the love…with Fiverr that is. 🙂 I’ve bought some incredible gigs from this website; You wouldn’t even believe the value I have found in some sellers.

I been on here for over a year. In the beginning I was just here as a buyer, til I finally saw the value in my talent. I didn’t get many orders at first. I didn’t progress as a seller until three months ago. I went from nothing, to level 1, to level 2 within 2 months. I’ve learned a lot as a seller. I’m not here just messing around for a quick buck. I’m here learning how to build a business and establish long term business relationships. I’m very blessed and thankful for the progress I have made, and appreciate every single person who’ve ever done business with me. Fiverr is an amazing place, and I love every minute of it. I look forward to 2013. 😉

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I joined fiverr a month ago looking to buy a review for my product that been attacked. I decided then that I could do this too and have had a lot of success. I became a level 1 seller within a month because I prided myself on customer service and I always do extra things. My fiverr eperience has been a very positive one.

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Hey All,

I’ve been with Fiverr for about 2 years, having taken 1 year off due to my new daughter. So I’m not a top rated seller (YET!!), but hope to be one, one day! Maybe? We’ll see.

I’m a native NJ-ite from the US of A, currently living in PA. I have a BS in Computer Animation, self-taught html and web design, and am generally a Jack of many trades; server for restaurants both fine dinning and truck stops, I can gap a spark plug, change the tire on a car, drive stick, tutor, illustrate, paint, draw doodles, worked retail, garden, studied environmental science, and more - so much more.

I’m also a stay-at-home-mom and artist that has been languishing the last 7 years due to my inability to do art work related work. I’ve tried the two-bit, retail, sell-your-soul-just-to-work to try and get the bills paid, and what I’ve always needed was what Fiverr offers!

My lack of portfolio was due to lack of clients and I couldn’t compete with some of my peers due to what they offered (not being a parent, I kid you not, is one of those things). But here with Fiverr, I can set my hours to be flexible to my needs as a parent! I get work done as I can during the day when the littlest one naps, and at night when they are all asleep. The best part about it is if one of them wakes up during my “works hours”, I don’t have a boss I have to beg “time off” to take care of child needs.

<3 Thank You Fiverr!

Now, even though many of my Gigs would normally go for between 25-30/hr type jobs were I working for a live company - I can at least develop my professional portfolio as needed by adjusting my Gigs, and offering different services. Beautiful!

The work I do is of good quality. The clients give me a chance to develop and home my skills better with each Gig. And, I have repeat buyers - which mean the world to me. Even though my income isn’t high (YET!) I know given time and effort it will improve as I do. 🙂

Again… thank you Fiverr team! You’ve given me a spot of hope.

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Hi everyone, I’m Priyanka from India, I joined fiverr 3 months back. My gigs are mostly into writing. I’m now a level 2 seller. Fiverr has done so much for me, I’ve achieved things I never thought I could do online. I’m very happy and looking forward to more. I’ve not added any videos to my gigs as yet, I’ve never made one before nor do I have the equipment for it. I do realize video bumps up your gig… Maybe I can get a seller to do it for me.

Do check out my gigs, I’m always happy to help! 🙂

favicon.icoFiverr.com rsz_keira.jpg

priyanka1985's public profile on Fiverr

100% feedback :) I am good in writing reviews, articles, website content, seo articles etc. A good write up can attract traffic to your website. So, what are you waiting for? Just send me the details and I will write an eye-catching and effective...

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I joined Fiverr just 25 days back and quite satisfied with the response i am getting. I already claimed over 15 gigs and looking for some unique ways to create more gigs. I am actually quite confused about the way how people find on Fiverr and how my gigs work on Fiverr search results. Just like website optimization, is there some ways to promote gigs in the most effectual manner so that I can get more response? Right now, I am using social media as a tool to market my Gigs. Any suggestion would be great help!

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Hi, everyone. I’ve been with Fiverr for a year, but, this is my first time in the forum. I’m 44, married (to my best friend) for 14 years, we don’t have any children, though, I am a step mom to two adults–38 & 31, we haven’t been able to realize our dream of adopting or fostering yet, we have one kitty, I’m a writer & do some customer service (both as a freelancer) & we are surviving here in Ukiah, CA (I say that, instead of, living since we don’t have our own place yet).

I enjoy writing, reading, watching sports, taking long drives (along the back roads), history, baking, technology, movies, politics, music, dancing, TV, the theater, online social sites/forums & more. Looking forward to learning how to better utilize my gigs & making some new friends.

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Hi, everyone. i’m mohsinkhan. It’s been one year i;m on fiverr but this is the first time i am using the forum. Well one of my friend tolf me about fiverr and the first time i visited the site i found it bit complicated and never knew how to use it so i got help from youtube videos and then i offered my Design services basically i am a graphic designer. I and 2 of my other friends joined it together they are offering some promotional videos. We got really good response within couple of weeks then we decided to start a proper office with a name of “FIVERR GUYS” We got 3 employees and some other guys who helps us for our promotional videos like the drummer guy, rikshaw guy, a painter, a food stall guy ans some other as well. It’s been a year and we are really enjoying working on fiverr and we earn good bucks so we can run our office and family.

GOD bless you fiverr.

keep giging 🙂

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I’m Wisdom Tree from Israel 🙂

Years ago I received this old wacom tablet. I never used it and it was buried in my closet for a very long time.

When I discovered fiverr a two months ago I thought to myself, "what can I do that people will actually pay for?"

People always told me my artwork is ugly, but in a good way 🙂 I knew it can attract people’s attention, so I picked up the good old wacom tablet and started sketching the same hideously ugly people and creatures I draw during office meetings etc.

I made a little speed painting in photoshop, uploaded the movie and started my gig, “I will draw a hideously ugly character for 5$”.

Fiverr loved it immediately and had it featured. Orders kept coming and I invested hours in every 5$ piece. Within two months I became a level two seller with 100% positive feedback.

I love fiverr because it allows artists to gain recognition for their skill and make some pocket money doing what they love. Rock on guys!

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Hello Folks, Pleasure to meet you all. I joined Fiverr a year ago to promote my web ventures. I have made several purchases over the year. Some turned out pretty well. I think Fiverr is a great platform to get certain things done for cheap.

After my stint as a buyer at Fiverr, I now started my new gig to promote/advertise banner ads on my website which has over 100K views per month. I already made my first sale, very impressed with the power of this great medium. Looking forward to more sales. Oh, you want to promote or advertise your site, do check out my gig. Our website is around for more than 6 years and going strong - Might be helpful promoting your insurance plans, technology training, immigration services, health services etc. My gigs -http://fiverr.com/nish912

Good luck to all. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Hmmmmmm! Am glad to finally find myself in this GREAT market place called F I V E R R.

Some years ago, a friend in the states did told me alot about fiverr but i never believe the fact that they are real genuine people in online market place like fiverr untill i decided to take a bold step and get registered.

Am catching fun with peoples posts and comments.

Thanks for your legality.

I wish to learn business ideas and also share my Online Forex Trading Business ideas here.

Best Regards


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Hey everyone, I just joined fiverr a month ago, I have not got any order yet but I am sure with time I will get lots and lots of orders.

The main reason for me to join fiverr was to get a source of quick and extra income especially when every other thing fails.

I have heard lots of success stories on different forums about fiverr. So I also want to live and tell a success story of my own.

A n advice to fellow new members, have a goal for doing something and work everyday to achieve your goal.

Here is my profile


Have a Merry Christmass and a Happy new Year

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Hiya, I’m Lacey. I’ve been on for about almost a month but never checked out the forum. I made a fansign on a facebook page and in return the person sent me $8 worth of gummies…and someone kind knew I was struggling at the time finding work, so he recommended I try it out here.

Well, it’s going great for me. It’s definitely helping with my stutter (I had a severe speech impediment as a kid and I still slur on words) and speaking confidence. I really want to keep working on this site and make friends here! 🙂

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Hi everyone. I’ve been on Fiverr for just over a month now, offering a research gig. I found out about Fiverr from a blog I read, and decided to check it out and see what would happen. I was pleasantly surprised when I started getting a lot of orders, and even already made it to Level 1. I’m not in it for the money, but that is a nice bonus. I am using it to hone my skills, especially in customer service. Thanks for the community, and good luck to all!

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Guest blaupiepmatz

Hi! I honestly don’t remember when I first started on Fiverr, but it wasn’t too long ago.

I was finishing up a digital design diploma, so I wanted to test things out here on Fiverr.

I am now going for an associates, learning better skills and such for design. I’m hoping to go further, but that depends on finances.

I just made it to level one, and I am super excited to offer better things for my gigs. I’m still feeling things out…though, and I am sort of on the quiet side. I’m still working on studies, so I can’t devote all my time to Fiverr, not yet, but that would be neat!

I’m hoping I can build a client base, as well as network and make some friends while I work my way up the ranks from student, to graphic designer and artist.

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Hello Fiverrs!

My name is ricoramiro and I’ve been selling on Fiverr for more than a year. I write and publish SEO press release with anchor text links and videos and pics.

I thoroughly enjoy the website! I’m registered on other ‘Fiverr Like’ websites but most of my business comes from Fiverr.

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Guest blaupiepmatz

Reply to @lolacey:

That is real good! I’m proud of you! I know I am just a stranger, but that is pretty amazing. I have yet to show my face on video gigs. I love doing makeup and special effects. I wanted to do signage type gigs with interesting special effects. 😛

We’ll see how comfortable I am after a little more time!

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Guest ppscslv

I come into fiverr as a buyer and after a few weeks I created my first gig in SEO field. A good part of earned money are used to buy services from other sellers.

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