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Keeping or cancelling incomplete orders


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I have two orders that have been incomplete from apr 2013…back when I was learning the ropes. I had multiple orders from the buyer. I had completed the request but forget to make sure all of them had a response, the buyer never responded to multiple messages and nudges from the past year, so there they will sit…forever incomplete.

If I had orders that were made without notice and incomplete I would most likely cancel them, I wouldn’t want them to suddenly become active when I was on vacation or booked up with orders.

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Guest joethorn

A buyer came and ordered my gig and every one of my extras totalling to around $30 a few months ago. It’s still sat there now, dormant, having never got any information to proceed.

Weird really, keeping money tied up for nothing

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Reply to @alysmcdonough: I get a very small percentage of people who buy without letting me know first and out of those buyers only 2 or 3 that have never responded, so for me the damage is minimal if cancelled but could be major if the buyer decided to respond and I was booked up or on vacation. I can imagine how some gigs can get a lot of these though, so ya, probably not a good idea to cancel if that’s the case.

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