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Seller protection that doesnt protect

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I'm a seller that can be ranked as top rated. Joined in 2020 and had my gigs very freqently chosen as "Fiverr's Choice"

I used to love working on this platform and considered myself part of the community eager to see it more sucessful and shared ideas to develop it further for example adding option in messages to select "repeated customers only" for a newsletter.

I had cash advance feature always active with up to $2000 which were usually paid the following month or earlier..

around june of 2022 an incident happened when one of the staff added $$ to my account by mistake  and since then my account went for months with zero features no promoted ads no cash advance no early payouts and 1 or 2 account views per month! 

I sent to support many times with no actual feedback and more of an automated responses that had no consideration to the complaints.

It was only the repeated customers that kept me going and making some revenue each month.

Things went downhill when chargebacks occured and the so called seller protection is no longer provided although in each incident there is the email saying:

We Protect You From Fraud Chargebacks

but a day later another email follows saying after review we decided you don't meet the requirments for seller protection, meaning i had to pay for the chargebacks from my earnings. This happened a few times with amounts ranging from $200~$500

Today i got a chargeback for an order valued $1500 and after the same cycle of assurance not to worry we have your back to the same end result of after review we decided not to refund you and accordingly you need to pay this amount yourself.

I have to pay cause a scammer tried his luck on one of my gigs and the so called seller protection is not for me. To this date I have total revenue of $43,000 aside of the 20% given to fiverr and regardless of the monthly seller upgrade membership this all doesnt provide me seller protection. 

Support answers with usual diplomatic unrelated answers and asks me not to bother them and just accepts the situation. I had intention to upload previous tickets and have you see the responses i get each time but this last ticket sums it all as a great example.

This is how a top rated seller is protected from scammers and this is how much you are asked "repeatedly" not to contact support again and disturb them.

Support ticket

Account Stats



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39 minutes ago, ncrypto said:

seller upgrade membership

That gives you access to some extra features. There's no additional protection or anything.

And to be fair, they said that a review of the situation takes 60 days so.. It will take a while.

Obviously it's not a $5 order, and here you had a chargeback. So they will have to investigate the situation, and if you do get paid, it's from Fiverr's money, not from the buyer. The buyer just scammed you, or at least that's what it seems. They took the work and went their way, while also getting their money back. Try to not make such large orders in general, because there are buyers that will try to do a chargeback. 

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I understand the membership doesnt give additional protection, am just saying that no matter how dedicated you are the feeling of being on your own and handling chargebacks yourself is disgraceful. I also clarified that its not just this incident i had to cover previous chargebacks for amounts of $200 to $500 from my earnings.

They did not say 60 days they said it can go for months and you need to wait and see if it ends in your favour...

The standard in case of a chargeback is explained in the email you get as below:

"Good news! Your revenues for the canceled order by "----" due to a dispute were returned to your account, without affecting your cancellation rate.

You can withdraw these funds from your account after a safety period of 7 days."


Except now there is a new email that follows a day or two later as below:

"After reviewing your order with ----, we decided you do not meet all the requirements of our seller protection policy.

Therefore, the funds have been deducted from your account."

The part about not meeting the requirments is (retracted).....what if i showed you a ticket where they covered one order and did not cover the other and both by the same buyer!


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This is one of the few times that i didn't proof read my message to support before hitting send..reading i realize its probably not the best way to ask for help.

But still, knowing the result wont differ much than all the previous requests and having to put up with extremely ridiculous and obvious maniuplation of my account i dont care how the wording of the complaint is projected.

Some examples of what i tolerated for continuos months at times:

- From 1-5 total profile visits per month, when normally profile views are in hundreds.

- All addons are disabled and though a level 2 seller not a single feature is active. Promoted gigs are suddenly unqualified, early payouts disabled, not a single brief or buyer requests is recieved...

There were times I found that some completed orders with 5 star feedback were showing as canceled ?!!!

I will prepare an album full of screenshots of all analytics showing the views and clicks during some months and vast difference compared other months, all support tickets with replies and basically proof on all incidents.

I cant express how mad i am for seeing years of work end in such disappointment and total indifference from customer service that aides scammers mess up sellers' account so easily as if its no big deal!

I have nothing to lose now after losing my account (it makes no sense to accept orders to pay off a debit of $1500 caused by a scammer knowing that fiverr is never affected by any chargeback and never loses a dime.

To pay this amount means ill be scammed twice.. 

One final word also too bluntly, since Fiverr changed HQ from US to Israel and it seems they noticed there is too many of sellers from certain race/religion and took measures to eliminate the numbers..a practice they enjoy. 

For those that will feel eager to defend and throw conspiracy bla bla...just assume its mad words from someone that put up with so much $$hit from those that should cover your back from scams and not sit back and watch from a distance..


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I forgot to mention that my ex was jewish and currently have my closest business partners/friends also jews. This is just to clarify that the unexplained injustice and unsupportive Customer Service is the one giving the finger to its sellers. 

Below is a link to an album with some account screenshots showing profile views, orders and analytics for the past 90 days. I will update this with support tickets and replies to some weird incidents like completed orders showing as canceled.. 


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Here i identified a scammer trying to scam me again with new orders, they denied me refund for the first orders and when i sent them to cancel the new orders they screwed my sellers stats while doing so..although i was careful to tell them i shouldnt be affected by this cancellation..but who cares!

They thanked me by demoting me to level 1



Follow the topic for daily comics from the so called Customer Service and expect the unexpected 😂

Here is another when i woke up to find $2000 by mistake and also got punished for their mistakes


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