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Fiverr Scam Alert: Protect Your Cards, Don't Get Hooked!


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Hey everyone, I'm writing this to warn you all about a scam I just encountered on Fiverr. It's a sneaky one, so I wanted to share my experience to help others avoid falling victim to it.

Here's what happened:

  1. I created a new seller gig on Fiverr.
  2. Shortly after, I received a message that looked like it was from Fiverr support (but it wasn't!).inboxmessage.png.bc64e782715f8b638806ed33e1a4e712.png

  3. The message said my account verification was incomplete and needed fixing to accept orders.
  4. It included an image with a QR code to scan and a link to follow (this is the image you attached).


  1. messageimage.jpg.f53edda72e14d276ea93ddab6544eecf.jpg
  2. I scanned the QR code, which opened a website that looked like Fiverr (but the address was a big giveaway - https://fiverr.order-identification.com/card/245305xxx)
  3. The fake website asked for my card details to complete verification.


Red Flags That Saved Me:

  • Suspicious Link: The link wasn't a real Fiverr URL. Fiverr uses fiverr.com in their official links.
  • Card Details Request: Fiverr doesn't ask for card details through chat windows or verification processes.
  • Luckily, I got a message from my bank: Right after entering my card details, I got a notification about a suspicious transaction of ₹49746.29 and my card got blocked (phew!). This confirmed the scam.

What to Do If You Encounter This Scam:

  • Do Not Enter Your Card Details: This is the most crucial step. Never share your card information on unverified websites.
  • Report the Scam to Fiverr: Forward the fake message you received to Fiverr support so they can investigate.
  • Contact Your Bank: Inform your bank about the attempted fraudulent transaction and follow their instructions to secure your account.
  • Change Your Fiverr Password: It's always a good practice to change your password after a security scare.

    chatscam.png.e6c3525371f7c5dfb1acac8fee3f37fc.png  chatend.jpg.d01d460665d15e2a3cb1fb10426b1dfd.jpg

Stay Safe on Fiverr:

  • Be Wary of Unsolicited Messages: Fiverr communicates through their platform, not random emails or chats.
  • Double-Check Link Addresses: Always verify the URL before clicking on any link claiming to be from Fiverr.
  • Never Share Card Details in Chats: Fiverr's verification process doesn't involve credit card information.

By sharing this experience, I hope we can raise awareness and prevent others from falling for this scam. Let's keep our Fiverr community safe!

If anyone else has encountered similar scams, please share your experience in the comments below. Together, we can stay informed and protect ourselves.

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