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How to get buyers as a new seller?

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People genuinely think becoming a TRS guarantees anything. Even as a Pro seller, you are not guaranteed any sales. It's just a badge showing that you have a good track record on Fiverr and there are a few benefits (some of which are accessible via Seller Plus). So while it's great to have, it's not mandatory to be a TRS and make good money on Fiverr.

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As a new seller, getting buyers is key to success. Here's how:

Quality Products: Make sure what you're selling is good. Quality attracts buyers.

Clear Descriptions: Describe your products well. Buyers want to know what they're getting.

Great Photos: Take clear, attractive pictures of your products. Visuals matter.

Competitive Prices: Set fair prices. Check what similar products are selling for.

Promote Yourself: Use social media, or online marketplaces to get your name out there.

Engage with Customers: Respond to inquiries quickly and politely. Good service goes a long way.

Offer Deals: Everyone loves a discount. Offer promotions to attract buyers.

Ask for Reviews: Positive reviews build trust. Encourage buyers to leave feedback.

Network: Build relationships with other sellers or influencers. They can help promote your products.

Be Patient: Rome wasn't built in a day. It takes time to establish yourself as a seller.

By following these steps, you can start attracting buyers and growing your business.

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Fiverr is a competitive marketplace where sellers need to stand out and showcase their products to attract buyers. Here's a rewritten version of your response with some minor edits for clarity:

"Fiverr is a platform where you can showcase your products and connect with potential buyers searching for services like yours. To succeed, you need a strategic plan to outshine similar products and attract buyers. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Familiarize yourself with Fiverr's guidelines and best practices.
2. Develop a strategy to draw buyers to your 'shop' (gig), just like a shopkeeper would.
3. Engage with experienced and successful sellers through Fiverr's forums and social media channels to learn from their experiences and gain insights.
4. Continuously improve and refine your strategy based on your own efforts and results.

Remember, your success on Fiverr depends on your dedication, creativity, and persistence. By following these steps and staying focused, you can increase your visibility, attract more buyers, and grow your business."

Keep in mind that Fiverr is a dynamic marketplace, and it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices to stay ahead of the competition. Good luck with your Fiverr journey!

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Advertise your services to people you already know, who may be interested in your services. I used to work in the property industry and after quitting my job to be a freelancer in branding and copywriting, I contacted some people I knew from the industry and was on good terms with (suppliers, ex-clients, ex-colleagues) just to let them know I changed my career, and telling them about what I do, but no hard selling. I also took an interest in what they were doing and what their challenges were and just had a nice chat. I usually connected with people via LinkedIn if I didn't already have their contacts, or got contacts of websites. 

A few weeks later my first order came from an ex-client who I had become acquaintances with over the years. This was a direct outcome of the call. You can at that point decide whether you want to carry these on on or off Fiverr as these are not Fiverr-generated leads so it's not against T&Cs. So putting some lower-value orders through Fiverr can help with building your reviews on there. 

During my first year, I received several orders via the family-friends-acquaintances network that I put through Fiverr to give me a head start. All of these were genuine orders for people who wanted the service (my first gig was LinkedIn profile optimisation). These then generated word of mouth as people asked who did their LinkedIn profiles and I got referrals. 

Another way I got orders from strangers was by pricing some smaller gigs low and overdelivering the heck out of them, making sure customers were super happy and doing everything to get those 5* reviews.

After having several 5* reviews, I've started getting orders for higher value gigs through Fiverr organically, but the friends-family-acquaintance network still keeps giving too.

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In my opinion, they are established as they joined before 2020 and COVID-19 pandemic helped them a lot to become established, especially when the world nearly closed its doors. I am writing this because I have seen some profiles with completed orders ranging from 1900 to 5400 (all invidual - no agency), and all of them joined on or before 2019.

Additionally, they have invested their hard work, but simultaneously, they received a large number of orders available at once, in my opinion."

(you may disagree)

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