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It’s not every day you make it to Level 2!

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This email made my day!
It's not every day you make it to Level 2!

It toke me 10 months to achieve this title and of course it isn't something easy to achieve, it needs efforts and sleepless nights to get each single order you get chance for, but honestly I am very happy today and I would like to share you a short story of mine that would give you all a hint to never quite and always handle challenges in best possible way.

In the beginning of April, I had only 12 completed orders and I got many chances and received 40+ orders in 20 days only, it was like a dream, every day I was receiving 2 orders on average, I was delivering high quality translation service and suddenly a client left me 1.7-star review after completion the order.
I totally lost my way, my success score dropped to 4, I was on low performance, and everything changed in a single day, I wasn't receiving orders like before and there was no new client as all gigs moved to last pages of the search, I never quitted and I was saying I can do it, I can sort it out.

Few days ago, after 20+ days I received a message from a client and it was good, I managed everything and brought my Gigs back to the first page, I don't have orders like April today, but it is enough that my account is not down like before, I have hope and I have enthusiasm to move on.

I managed to make my success score back to 7 and today I made it to Level 2.

As a short text, I would say never quiet, I know new level system is not something we all wanted and specially success score is a headache for every seller, but we can make it, we just need to have quality deliveries and never say "I can't".


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