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I can jast uploud 3 pic + no extra gig why? plss help


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Guest norrsken_marc

@twoking what I notice from first visiting your page is how you offer a very simple Gig for a five dollar Gig, but then jump to 40, 80, and then 100 dollars. What about offering anything in the middle, like maybe between 10 and 30$? In my opinion, you’d find more buyers if you offered that type of price range.

You should also spend some time either correcting your grammar/vocabulary mistakes, or ordering a Gig from a Fiverr user who could correct them for you, so that it looks more professional. There are a lot of sellers here to help you with that.

As for the 3 pictures, I also would recommend the same as @inkpetal, which is to group many logos together and have many examples of your work on each picture, and therefore optimizing the space on the allowed 3 pictures. Because presently, it’s mostly white space and a logo in the middle.

Best of luck.

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