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I want to be able to opt out of these new automated messages disguised as me


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Or, at least have them marked as being sent from Fiverr. I'm very on top of communicating with my clients, and give them more than seven minutes before I offer help. I'd be annoyed if I were getting one while in the middle of filling out 11 sections of an order form!

I like to actually greet them, rather than spit out a command, too.

I can also write better than my bot!

Did I miss something? When did these crop up?


Edited by mandyzines
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I think there's a button that can be clicked on the order page that says something like "send x a reminder" when the buyer hasn't filled in all the requirements but I haven't seen it automatically send one before. Maybe the button is near the part that says "I have all I need" if you don't need them to fill it in.

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Recently a buyer shared a screenshot after placing the order. (occasionally buyers do it voluntarily as confirmation from their side)

I felt quite AMUSED by the text on top of screenshot. If I was "seen 4 hours ago" as per the system, then why was I informing the buyer at 3AM (my time) that I will start working right away!! 🥲🫠





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