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Organic traffic?


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Hey everyone, new-ish seller here. I started sharing my gigs on my own social media accounts and I've gotten 6 orders from just doing that, which is great! Does it take a while to get organic traffic on fiverr? I don't see how anyone would come across my gigs since I'm a new seller with almost 0 reviews, in an organic way. I tried searching my keywords as a buyer and found myself on like the 10th page... haha. 


Does it just take time? any advice helps, thanks!

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8 hours ago, zeynepdikmen said:

I don't see how anyone would come across my gigs since I'm a new seller with almost 0 reviews,

Hi @zeynepdikmen - Check your impressions. Is it higher than zero? Then that means buyers can see your gig.

If you are getting impressions, buyers are seeing you when they search for your services. If you are getting clicks, they are interested in your services. If clicks aren't turning into orders, then buyers are visiting your gig and deciding not to place an order.

I also offer resume writing services like you and started with $15 (and steadily increased prices so that I can average over $300/resume). You will attract buyers faster if you make your gigs look more professional. Think of your own gig as a resume for your buyers. I don't know why you have a dancing alien on your resume-writing gig, but that won't attract the right customers.

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From my experience in the platform, the "share your gigs in social media" is a quite spread statement, specially in threads of the like "how to increase orders/gig impressions".

Reality for me at least is I have tried my luck by doing this in Facebook and Twitter. Facebook Groups have turned out to be in my experience a total scam. In my opinion, not recommended at all to post anything on Facebook Groups. If you ever get any contacts, they always ask to you do business outside the platform.

I have a better opinion from Twitter because it gives you the option to open yourself to future business pathways by perhaps creating a future community of people who share similar tastes to you or belong to a similar niche to yours, and also you can meet with other freelancers who have a similar goal(s) and that is in my opinion the best way to accelerate your career by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who have already reached the goal you want to achieve.

By reading to other experienced sellers here in the forum, looks like the best advice - rather than promoting yourself in social media - is trying your best to succeed within the platform, getting orders and being profitable for yourself and for the platform, that way the platform will reward you. I am just a newbie here, but I believe that is the way you will start increasing organically. Getting more orders will lead you to moving to the next level of sellers, which will then make yourself question whether you should increase your prices, this will lead you to buyers willing to pay you more because they prefer experienced sellers, etc.

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