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I would love if anyone can give me a feedback on my profile and gigs


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I am new to Fiverr, however, my profile was created a few months ago but I was not active. I watched a few youtube videos, and read on the internet how to improve my Fiverr gigs. I am wondering if anyone can give me a feedback and what things I can improve. Here are my stats:


Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 20.30.39.png

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There is some room for improvement that I believe can increase your chances of landing some orders. 


The first thing that strikes me is the lack of a real profile picture. People go on Fiverr to order from real people, not logos. There are cases like yours, where a logo makes more sense, given that you're an agency, but for most sellers, a great photo of themselves will garner more buyer trust. Even if you're an agency, I'd look into the possibility of including professional photos of your team (could be a relevant team lead on each gig thumbnail, for instance), just to build that crucial human connection while using the logo as your profile picture. 

Profile description

I like it! It's professional and well-written. But it has a few inconsistencies: 

You're a team of young web developers, yet you claim to have "years of experience in the industry." It might just be me, but I like to read between the lines and look for inconsistencies before ordering, especially on more expensive services. Even the smallest missing or wrong detail can rub me (and other buyers) the wrong way. 

The description also focuses heavily on you but not so much on the buyer. I want to know what I'm getting out of it. Perhaps fewer "we-statements" and more "you-statements" can help. 

Gig descriptions

Again, I'm finding these inconsistencies: "We are a team of senior web developers...". You can't be senior and young at the same time. 

You offer free support after delivery. What does this include (and not include)? Be mindful about this because a buyer might come back six months later claiming they were offered free support, asking you to work for free or holding you for ransom by claiming they never got what was promised. Make sure your terms are clear, and I highly recommend not offering to work for free. I realize this can be a good selling point, but it can also be your worst nightmare. I speak from experience. 

GIg videos

Gig videos can increase conversions and engagement with your gig by up to 40% (according to Fiverr). Instead of just using Gig thumbnails, hire professional video animators or editors and make an awesome video showcasing the benefits of ordering from you. Perhaps show off some of your previous work in creative ways, and use a voice-over to tell the story. You have up to 75 seconds to do so. Make sure they count.

Best of luck! 

Edited by smashradio
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On 5/3/2023 at 4:46 PM, smashradio said:

There is some room for improvement that I believe can increase your chances of landing some orders. 


The first thing that strikes me is the lack of a real profile picture. People go on Fiverr to order from real people, not logos. There are cases like yours, where a logo makes more sense, given that you're an agency, but for most sellers, a great photo of themselves will garner more buyer trust. Even if you're an agency, I'd look into the possibility of including professional photos of your team (could be a relevant team lead on each gig thumbnail, for instance), just to build that crucial human connection while using the logo as your profile picture. 

Profile description

I like it! It's professional and well-written. But it has a few inconsistencies: 

You're a team of young web developers, yet you claim to have "years of experience in the industry." It might just be me, but I like to read between the lines and look for inconsistencies before ordering, especially on more expensive services. Even the smallest missing or wrong detail can rub me (and other buyers) the wrong way. 

The description also focuses heavily on you but not so much on the buyer. I want to know what I'm getting out of it. Perhaps fewer "we-statements" and more "you-statements" can help. 

Gig descriptions

Again, I'm finding these inconsistencies: "We are a team of senior web developers...". You can't be senior and young at the same time. 

You offer free support after delivery. What does this include (and not include)? Be mindful about this because a buyer might come back six months later claiming they were offered free support, asking you to work for free or holding you for ransom by claiming they never got what was promised. Make sure your terms are clear, and I highly recommend not offering to work for free. I realize this can be a good selling point, but it can also be your worst nightmare. I speak from experience. 

GIg videos

Gig videos can increase conversions and engagement with your gig by up to 40% (according to Fiverr). Instead of just using Gig thumbnails, hire professional video animators or editors and make an awesome video showcasing the benefits of ordering from you. Perhaps show off some of your previous work in creative ways, and use a voice-over to tell the story. You have up to 75 seconds to do so. Make sure they count.

Best of luck!

Thank you so much for your honest response, I will consider all the things you mentioned above. I would just like to clarify a few things first. 

I didn't want to bump up my post, it is my first post on the forum and I forgot to leave a link to my own Fiverr account so I needed to add it somehow but didn't manage to find the edit button on my post.

I added that we are seniors since our developers have from 7 to 9 years of experience but they are young guys, everyone less than 28 years old. 

You are right about the descriptions I will focus more on buyers, thanks for that I didn't even realize. And I will include in FAQs more about my free support it is meant to be around 1 month of support since we can't give a broken website to the buyer and we can very well realize when it's our mistake. It's like a guarantee that the customer gets what he needs.

Thanks once again, I will edit my profile and gigs. Appreciate it. 

Edited by vukovicstefan
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16 minutes ago, vukovicstefan said:

Appreciate it.

Happy to help! 

Yes, I understand that saying senior/years of experience makes sense. Nonetheless, I wanted to point it out since that type of inconsistency can be a tell-tale sign of someone not being who they claim to be. 

As for your free support: Yes, I absolutely understand why that makes sense. Just keep in mind that sellers have been burnt on this type of thing before. In the worst scenarios, buyers have gotten refunds a year later because they somehow managed to show Fiverr that they didn't get what was described in the gig description. 

If you're going that route, I'd make sure to cover all my bases and then some. 

Best of luck! Overall, you have an excellent profile. With a few edits, it can become awesome. 🙂 

Edited by smashradio
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  • 3 weeks later...

21.5 was my most successful Fiverr day since I got back on it, on that day I receive about 350 impressions and 11 clicks across 4 gigs. That day I worked a few hours to improve my gigs, I updated the video, images, descriptions, faqs, tags, packages, title, everything also I added one more gig that day. I tried to optimize them for SEO since I was not getting so much attraction.

So after a few hours of work, I thought I did a decent job and waited the next day to see the results. When I saw a drastic change in impressions and clicks I was really happy thinking I managed to optimize them a little bit and might land the first job soon. But the very next day on all my gigs my impressions dropped significantly, you can see on the first image that impressions went from 80 to 4, also that day I got no clicks. I didn't change anything on any of those gigs. The only difference between those 2 days is I was not so active on Fiverr (maybe 30 minutes that day). Is it possible that only because of my inactivity I didn't receive as much attention as I receive the last day or there is more to it? I would love someone who has been on Fiverr for a longer time to tell me what caused this and if can I fix it.



Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 20.59.59.png

Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 21.00.25.png



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2 hours ago, vukovicstefan said:


Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 20.59.59.png


Last 3-7 days you received good exposure, but no one place order.... I think you need to review some things in your gigs, like: title, price or description of your services, maybe are not convincing enough your potential clients...

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1 minute ago, venonusa said:

Last 3-7 days you received good exposure, but no one place order.... I think you need to review some things in your gigs, like: title, price or description of your services, maybe are not convincing enough your potential clients...

Thanks for the feedback I will, I think the price is the problem but since I am working with a team I really can't make the price much less than currently is.

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6 minutes ago, vukovicstefan said:

Thanks for the feedback I will, I think the price is the problem but since I am working with a team I really can't make the price much less than currently is.

check gigs from other sellers and try to stay in line with other

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Hello, I would love it if someone can give me feedback on my profile. I asked this question when I started again on Fiverr and it helped me a lot. Now when I updated my gigs, and profile, added new gigs. I am gaining more attraction, I have more clicks, and impressions, especially when I am online. But I still didn't get any new customers, 2 orders I got in the last 3 weeks were from my long-term client I worked with before outside of Fiverr. The rest of those reviews were from my previous gigs before I stopped working on Fiverr almost a year ago.

Impressions and clicks don't matter much to me when I don't have any new orders, I don't know what am I doing wrong. I looked at freelance profiles of other freelancers that are more successful than me and I don't want to sound arrogant but their profiles are not any better than mine, sometimes my profile is better than theirs because of their poor English. My price also doesn't jump from the average price on the market. If someone would be kind enough to spare some time to give me feedback on what I am doing wrong, I would be grateful.

My profile: https://www.fiverr.com/vukovicstefan

Thank you.

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23 hours ago, vukovicstefan said:

Hello, I would love it if someone can give me feedback on my profile.

Hello 🙂 
I think the font on your gig banners doesn't look good. It looks cut off. I would try to center it more. Like the image on your gig "
I will fix any issue on your website, frontend or backend" That one looks way better 🙂 
Other than that, I think you just have to give it more time. I guess the algorithm has to "learn" that you are active again. 

Edited by alaecs
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4 minutes ago, alaecs said:

Hello 🙂 
I think the font on your gig banners doesn't look good. It looks cut off. I would try to center it more. Like the image on your gig "
I will fix any issue on your website, frontend or backend" That one looks way better 🙂 
Other than that, I think you just have to give it more time. I guess the algorithm has to "learn" that you are active again. 

Thank you alaesc for your feedback.
I will fix that. I noticed that happening when my profile is viewed but not when someone is looking at it from the search result. Thanks again 🙂

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I stumbled upon a few clients on other freelancing platforms that don't want to work with me because I have a team. I don't understand why. That led me to think is it possible that I am not getting any orders because I am representing on my profile as a team? I have a decent number of impressions and clicks, in the last 7 days 800 impressions and 17 clicks I got but not a single order or message was received from any client, only 2 spams. I can't figure out why is this happening and it is really frustrating. When I worked alone 6 months ago before my profile was disabled I got 5 orders in less than a month with far less impressions and clicks and with far less work samples and experience and a less professional profile. Yes, my rates are higher than before but not so much that they are not affordable a lot of other freelancers have similar and higher rates yet they have orders. Please if someone can help me understand what is going on.

Edited by vukovicstefan
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It's possible, and understandable, too. However, there are also people who are looking for agencies, I see it in briefs, sometimes, and sometimes, people in my inbox ask if I can also provide B, C, and D, which I'd probably could if I was an agency, but can't, because I'm not, and am not fishing in agency waters.

From my POV, someone who doesn't want to be a solopreneur but have an agency, with it's advantages, should also accept thr disadvantages, like not being in demand from people who don't want to work with an agency but with a solo freelancer. 

There are customers for both, though, maybe you haven't found out how to attract "your" customers here yet, or maybe it's the wrong platform for you. But, as mentioned, there must be at least some who want to work with agencies, so, probably worth trying for a while longer, or differently.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I tried Fiverr first time in October last year and I started fairly successfully 5 jobs were completed in my first month, and I had between 600 and 1.1k impressions every 7 days and around 10+ clicks with only 3 active gigs. Then I got banned because I was below 18 and then got back my account when I turned 18 more than 2 months ago.

In the meantime, I worked with the company and I gathered a team of developers, very highly experienced developers. I put my account again and tried selling on Fiverr again. My impressions and clicks are miserable, with around 200 to 300 impressions in the last 7 days, and 2-3 clicks.

In the last 2 months, only 2 customers contacted me, both were low budget jobs, one I declined and the other I was able to do as it was not so hard to finish it, in the time I read the clients' requirements and asked him few questions I told him I will get back to him in 2 hours as I really wasn't able to communicate at the moment but I was willing to do it within clients' budget just to get started on Fiverr. I sent him an offer and 8 hours later client told me he found a different developer and that if I was faster I would get a job. So in 2 months only a few impressions and a few clicks and 2 potential clients contacted me.

I read about SEO optimization, searched my competition tried using different keywords experimenting with different stuff, tried my best to optimize my profile so it looks professional and well-trusted, and put in 7 gigs. And still really bad results, all my impression are same sometimes up sometimes down. Clicks are decent compared to impressions. I don't know what to do, I can't put effort into my profile when people are not seeing it, I am just not reaching out to people, and don't know what to do next. I would love it if anyone can tell me how to solve my issue.

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