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Looking for a targeted promotion gig


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Hi everybody,

I have a question for you.

Basically I want to advertise my Fiverr gig (18 royalty free instrumental songs made by me) to an audience interested in… royalty free music. I’m looking for some basic targeting.

There are so many gigs on Fiverr that offer “promo” to pages with hundreds, thousands, millions of likes, but what I want is a targeted approach.

I don’t find gigs that say “hey, this is a community of just 1000 people but they are all active users and they all like the same thing”, for example. What I see is almost always big numbers and no common interests. So my question is, do you know about REAL targeted promotion gigs here on Fiverr? Have you tried them? Did it work?

Thank you very much 🙂

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