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Being active on Fiverr community helps in ranking gigs?


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I am a level 1 seller on Fiverr. But for the last two months, I was inactive due to some personal reasons which made my account ranking almost zero. no impressions and clicks. Now I was searching for some strategies to improve my account. one of them I found to be active here in the community. not just asking my queries but also responding to others if know about that. is it really affect gigs' ranking? or any other benefits?

thank you.

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1 minute ago, ayesha1203 said:

Now I was searching for some strategies to improve my account. one of them I found to be active here in the community.

Can you please share the source that informed you of this? 

2 minutes ago, ayesha1203 said:

not just asking my queries but also responding to others if know about that.

It is nice to help other people and answer their questions, but only respond if you have something meaningful or helpful to contribute to the thread. Do not copy answers and do not make a comment on a thread, just so that you have a "response". 

But to put it simply, being active in the forum doesn't have any effect on your gig rankings or your performance in Fiverr. Do not believe other nonsense out there especially if they are not successful on Fiverr themselves or if its not an official Fiverr statement.

If you want one thread that will teach you some tips on how to be successful on Fiverr, here is the thread. 


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