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What should I about this mean buyer?


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My story is kind of long but please read and give me some advice.

So I got an order a day ago, at 3 in morning somehow I woke up to find a buyer had placed an order, just after 3minutes I replied to him. And for me when some one places an order, I always thank them first before even looking thoroughly on the project. After thanking him I looked through his project and we agreed on how he wanted it, by me giving him an example of how I would handle it.

And then he praised me, and said "Oh wow, I have chosen the right professional", Remember it was 3am in the morning, after like agreeing on how to handle the project, i told him that I will get to it when morning comes. I went back to sleep. So my policy is when am half way the project I always let the buyer know, how far I have come, or if there are any challenges. I did so in the middle of the day, but his last seen was the time we finished talking, my time zone 3am, so he didn't reply back.

My other policy is that I deliver a project like 5hours before the delivery time, this is the first project I have delivered late only 3hours before the delivery time. And for me that is late. So I went to sleep, somehow I woke up again in the night and I found that he had accepted my delivery and left a rating of 4.7 overall because the communication was bad he gave me a rating of 4, like am asking myself why? When he wasn't online for like 23hrs, so how was I supposed to communicate with him? 

He left a review message as "This experience was seamless. I'll be back with another project soon!". He liked what I delivered but why a 4 rating on communication, so I need some advice on this, Should I accept another project from such a mean buyer in future? Because I communicate perfect, deliver before time and do exactly what am supposed to do on a project so that I keep my rating up. What should I do?

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First, don't repost this again as it will probably be deleted.

Second, your buyer hasn't been mean with you at all. What it may seem to you a perfect communication may seem to the buyer otherwise. The buyer gave you a 4.7 rating, that I understand is not the perfect 5 but its not bad. It has happened to me a lot and I've continued working with the same buyers, generally once they work more with me they chose to rate me with a 5, sometimes they don't.

Theres people that even if they are thrilled with your work they don't give a 5, never. Thats a personal preference and there can be an infinite amount of reasons for that.

There are buyers that also make mistakes when giving you a rating and click the wronkg star without even paying attention.

As for if you want to continue working with this buyer, in my opinion the buyer was not disrespectful nor abusive nor tried to cheat you, so in the end you have to decide what is worth more to you, a 0.3 in your rating or to repeat with a buyer.

My last advice, but its something more of a personal preference, don't answer messages in your sleep hours, that may send some buyers the message that you will be available 24/7 and that can bring you some troubles down the road.

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4 hours ago, mariepetiti said:

He left a review message as "This experience was seamless. I'll be back with another project soon!". He liked what I delivered but why a 4 rating on communication, so I need some advice on this,

'Mean' is probably a strong word. 4.7 isn't great, but it's OK in the long run - though of course it also depends on how many orders you get from this person. People don't know how reviews work on here (and telling them is NOT necessarily a good idea as it could be seen as 'manipulating them', so it's up to you if you want to work with them again or not. However, I would make sure to forget about the 'bad' feelings you might have for the client now. 

The truth is, you never really know if you made a small mistake (which happens to all of us) or seemed just a bit 'off' at some point, OR the person just doesn't rate people 5 stars because 'there is always room for improvement'. Knowing how to take (even seemingly unwarranted) criticism is VERY important when you sell your services on here (and just in general.) Take it all with a pinch of salt. 

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29 minutes ago, katakatica said:

also depends on how many orders you get from this person.

True! Forgot to mention that. This is a great point as a long term relationship with a buyer that constantly qualifies you with a 4.7 will bring your average rating down.

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5 hours ago, mariepetiti said:

He left a review message as "This experience was seamless. I'll be back with another project soon!". He liked what I delivered but why a 4 rating on communication, so I need some advice on this, Should I accept another project from such a mean buyer in future? Because I communicate perfect, deliver before time and do exactly what am supposed to do on a project so that I keep my rating up. What should I do?

I once got a buyer that rated me 4.7 and she accidentally gave me 4 stars on recommending my gig to others - her review stated something like, "I'll definitely tell everyone about this seller!"

As a buyer, I found that it's REALLY easy to change the amount of stars - simply hovering over the stars (without clicking) can change the review from a 5 star to a 1 star. So if you are trying to move the mouse out the way so you can type (or read) your review, you could easily change the number of stars. Most buyers are careful enough to change it before submitting the review, but mistakes do happen. 

In the case of my buyer, I asked her how I could improve my services, and she realized her error and hid from me (out of embarrassment for several weeks). I will never asked any buyer that question again if I get another "good" less-than-perfect review.

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12 minutes ago, vickieito said:

asked her how I could improve my services

I did this once, and the buyer told me that nothing, that the work was perfect otherwise he wouldn't accept it. So, I didn't ask again.

As we've talked before, theres people that its like that, that they believe that theres room from improvement and perfection doesn't exists. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by shalock
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4.7 is a good rating at all and the reasons for this buyer may be countless. In the very end do not get too obsessed with the Public Feedback, the private one is the really that matters. Furthermore - if you had a 5.0 average I would raise my eyebrows - this looks suspicious, no one always gets 5*.


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