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What are the tips about gig pricing as a newbie for client attention by your experience?


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If you are skilled at what you do, don't be afraid to price yourself right at the beginning! I find that my buyers like to get discounts more than low prices (and if I only offer low prices, I can't give discounts).

I started off with $5 prices only because I thought that's what sellers had to do to get started. Those low prices attracted a lot of spam and unreasonable buyers.

I raised my prices at 10, 20, and 50 reviews. Each time I raised my prices, I got better buyers. Buyers who appreciated my work and often preferred that I take as long as I needed to complete the project.

I also increase my prices when I get Fiverr's Choice orders or if there's a huge influx of orders (it helps me to keep my orders under control).

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It depends on what type of services you are providing. I guess you are from Bangladesh, most of the people do this mistake. They make mistakes by putting $5 on gig. You should know the value of your work. So don't put low prices instead your works value. Also putting low prices attract scam buyers. Best of luck

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I think it's not a really bad tip to give, considering that I started with $5 gig myself and it actually did help to attract buyers. Though they weren't the best buyers, but their orders helped boosting my gig. I raise my price as I gain more reviews and even more when I received the Fiverr's Choice badge. The buyers I get now are so much better compared to when I was new in the platform. I guess it's not always a must to start off with $5 gig, but it is certainly helpful.

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