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Should i make new account or not?


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Hello everyone hopes you all doing well. I already completed my 10 orders with 5 stars and i provided good quality as they want. Now from the last two months, I didn’t receive a single text from the buyer. Why? Should I make a new account?
please check my gig for nice answer thanks in advance

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Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

You only have 6 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (Fiverr Tips - Fiverr Community Forum). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

You can’t make a new account without permission from Customer Support, otherwise you risk being banned.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone hopes you all doing well. I already completed my 10 orders with 5 stars and i provided good quality as they want. Now from the last two months, I didn’t receive a single text from the buyer. Why? Should I make a new account? please check my gig for nice answer thanks in advance Fiverr.com/madosa


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14 minutes ago, madosa said:

please check my gig for nice answer thanks in advance

There wouldn’t be a nice answer from me. 

1. ALL of your logo examples are STOLEN from the internet. Every single one of them was not created by you. That’s a HUGE violation and your account can be banned right away. 

2. your gigs are duplicated and that’s another violation. 

3. You can post your links only in “improve my gig” category and “my fiverr gig”. 

But the first point of you using someone else’s work to present as your own is already enough to kick you out of the platform. 

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1 hour ago, mariashtelle1 said:

There wouldn’t be a nice answer from me. 

1. ALL of your logo examples are STOLEN from the internet. Every single one of them was not created by you. That’s a HUGE violation and your account can be banned right away. 

2. your gigs are duplicated and that’s another violation. 

3. You can post your links only in “improve my gig” category and “my fiverr gig”. 

But the first point of you using someone else’s work to present as your own is already enough to kick you out of the platform. 

Oh my God! May I know how you find the information about him/her that he has stolen the works from internet? And Fiverr even understood a lot of times later! So complex to me to understand! But, definitely it is not right way that he/she has adopted. He/she should dissolve it asap. And thank you for such a great information and explanation, I learned a lot from your quote.

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3 minutes ago, customerin said:

May I know how you find the information about him/her that he has stolen the works from internet?

There is nothing complex, he stole pretty overused logos that I saw many times plus you can just right click on any of the images and do Google search. 

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1 minute ago, mariashtelle1 said:

There is nothing complex, he stole pretty overused logos that I saw many times plus you can just right click on any of the images and do Google search. 

Wow! Thanks for your kind response. I got the lesson♥️

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  • 3 months later...
3 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

How creating new account will help you? Your account is just a tool and how you use it what matters

its like asking if buying a new laptop will get you more orders 

just till me mam.. should i improve my this account or make new one

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6 hours ago, madosa said:

but 😞 😞 all buyer request is fake. i am so disappointed 

In just one year, I tripled my average monthly earnings. Do you know how many BRs I had?

If you have no orders, maybe the problem is with your profile and you are right. Patience will not help. 

You know what helps? Trying to understand what you're doing wrong. Maybe your desings aren't eye-catching enough. Maybe your bio is boring. Maybe in this field, you need more than decent-looking gigs to stand out. Despite your 6 years of experience, your profile looks exactly the same as any other 'graphic designer' I've seen. 

If you're truly an artist, show it. 

If not... maybe after a year it's time to try something else?

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Stop being patient. Erasing your profile and starting a new one won't help if it looks the same. You do have some positive reviews, so those will help to some degree.

Patience has little place in business. What have you done in the past year to improve your skills, communication, marketing, etc.? You need to do so much more than sit around and wait. What did you do during the six years of graphic design experience you say you have?

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