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fast order


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Hi @web_master2016 - Welcome to Fiverr and the forum!

I see that you just opened your account last month. It can take a while to get your first order. Usually it isn't a "fast order." Some sellers get their first sale in a couple of week, while other wait months before getting their first sale. Your Fiverr business is like any other business. You need to figure out how to connect with your customers so that they will want to place an order with you and buy your services.

The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your Fiverr business. Here's a great article to get started:



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6 minutes ago, sakibhosen_ said:

Send buyer request. Try to stay online most of the time.

So, an experienced contributor in @vickieito takes the time to give constructive advice to a new seller, yet you feel that you can give an answer straight after that doesn't help at all and is completely wrong.

You have no sales on Fiverr, and you still post answers that are completely false and fictitious.  What is the point in sending buyer requests if there is still work to do on a gig? and staying online does not increase your likelihood of getting more sales.

As a bit of advise for you. I would say that YOU need to spend more time reading the forum. and less time posting comments for the sake of it.  

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