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Hi @jafors17 - Welcome to the forum and the Fiverr community! 😊

The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your business. You can start by reading this article (note: there are a lot of great links) - 


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Hi @jafors17!

I'm glad you're finding good information here! I'd just like to add a few thoughts:

28 minutes ago, jafors17 said:

1. Well come to fiver and make 7 gigs

It does help to have 7 gigs if they are all skills that you are really good at and they provide value to your customers. Otherwise, it isn't helpful.

28 minutes ago, jafors17 said:

2. Be active regularly

This is a vague tip. Be active doing what? It's important that you aren't just busy, but that you are spending your time wisely doing things that will help your business grow. Simply being online won't help. Staying online 24/7 won't help either (and it's dangerous for your health).

28 minutes ago, jafors17 said:

4. Be patient....

It's great to be patient, but if you are just waiting for things to happen, it won't help.

Patience is working hard on your business knowing that it takes time to grow it to where you want it to be. Use the PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Adjust) so that you aren't making the same silly mistakes and that your business can grow and as you continually learn and improve.

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