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hi guys. any Suggestion would be really helpful

Guest dataraqib

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Guest dataraqib

I just opened my gig yesterday to upload products to various e-commerce stores. with the price I am offering more uploads for less money.

can you guys kindly check if I come across unusual with these description and gig images. should I make posters like everyone else instead? help me understand. Thank you.

here's my gig: 

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Hi @dataraqib! Welcome to the forum!

I think there are way too many words on your gig image that's it's hard to understand what service you are offering. Keep the gig image simple with only 3-5 words describing your services.

You're in a competitive field, so it's best to utilize all the tools that you have so your gig can stand out from the crowd. Add a gig video, share your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) with your potential buyers in your bio and gig descriptions, and utilize all your FAQs.

You can read here for more suggestions:


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Guest dataraqib

Thank you @vickieito for making it clear. I've tried to clean things up and make them more to the point. I've edited my gig couple of times now.

Will this effect my Gigs impression and clicks.

Can you kindly check. when you have time.



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Hi @dataraqib, I saw you made changes to your gig! However, many of the things I said previously, still remain true. I still think your gig image looks too busy with words and icons and adding a gig video would help your gig stand out. However, if you want, you can wait on making more changes so that you can actually track and see how your gig is performing. Track and monitor your impressions, clicks, and orders to see if you need to make any additional changes.


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Guest dataraqib

@vickieitoyeah i've maid little changes here and there. I'm working on making gig images less busy. i see some top ranking gigs have words and logos on them somehow they have succeeded in the marketplace. not saying that would be same for me. Let's see if i get any order with this gig. things are not looking that good.

I'm editing this gig everyday. will this be algorithm friendly?

I'm new here. still learning about the marketplace.

Thank you for your help.

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Your main gig image says "ADD PROODUCTS" - I'd change that.

Your gig title says "I will add upload products..." but the description says
"I will Add or Upload products". Should the title say "or" too?

Edited by uk1000
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Guest dataraqib

Thank you for pointing that out @uk1000. I'll make those changes. I was editing this gig like 2-3 times a day will that be a problem? as already I don't see many impressions.

Edited by dataraqib
wrong spelling
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7 minutes ago, dataraqib said:

I was editing this gig like 2-3 times a day will that be a problem? as already I don't see many impressions.

I think when you make changes it can be temporarily removed from the search engine - which is why impressions can reduce (eg. for Fiverr staff to check the changes), so I wouldn't change it too often, but if there's something major that could be improved in it it's worth doing.

Edited by uk1000
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Just now, uk1000 said:

I think when you make changes it can be temporarily removed from the search engine (eg. for Fiverr staff to check the changes), so I wouldn't change it too often, but if there's something major that could be improved in it it's worth doing.

Agreed. @dataraqib, you can get all the major changes done now. Then you can monitor to see how it performs after you've finished the changes. It doesn't make sense to monitor your impressions when you are making so many changes.

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Guest dataraqib

@vickieito I don't want to but I end up checking anyways. I know that my upload gig is not unique as thousands of others are offering the same services it's hard to stand out.

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Guest dataraqib

I haven't received any serious buyer requests but finally got my first order yesterday.

i haven't edited the gig in some days but still impression and clicks have gone down.  should i start over and come up with something new from scratch? please advise

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