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If I change my gig picture will it affect my gig ?

Guest sakibhosen_

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Hi @sakibhosen_ 👋

You gig has a specific rank that is the outcome of pictures, description, pricing, performance and so on.

Any time you edit something of your gig (be it pictures, description, pricing etc.) the indexing algorithm will take its time to re-kearn your gig and therefore your ranking WILL be affected, be it positively or negatively, so pay attention when you do modifications and, most important of all, gig edits should NOT be done too frequently (for example once a day) or that will almost surely affect your ranking negatively.

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It is a good question and I think it will help new sellers to know that as per my experience, Seller has to update their Gigs either in form of Gig display pictures or description of services offers. Once you made some positive changes then it shows activity and could help in increase of your GIG ranking.


Thank you

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Your gig rank depends on lots of metrics, Image is also one of the ranking factor. You can change it anytime for sure, but Fiverr doesn't guarantee that your gig will not affected by this action. The affect can be both positive or negative. This is why its always said to take time before publishing a new gig.


If you really feel that your image have to change than do it, then start working on gig promotion.


Happy freelancing! 

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Yes, of course.

Editing your gig temporarily removed it from the search while it is approved and checked by fiverr. Anecdotally, my sales/impressions seem to drop for a few days after I make changes to my gig.

After that, you will likely get either more or less clicks depending on whether people like the new image more or less, which can result in more or less orders overall.

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Yes, editing your gig will affect your gig. If you edit gig images, descriptions, or anything it will affect your gig. But if you have a more attractive or better gig image it would be better to add it because it would be the first impression on the buyer when he sees it.

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