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Gig de-ranked




After being in the first page for long time, suddenly my gig have been deranked and all my statistics are down: impression, clicks, conversion. My performance was great, i have all 5 star reviews, 1 hour response rate. I don't know if i will be ranked again or not.

Thanks for your help

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4 answers to this question

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If they've got down a bit it could just be normal (eg. less buyers or more competition). If they've suddenly gone down a lot and the dashboard stats are okay (eg. no late deliveries/cancellations etc.) it could have been because a private review left by a buyer/buyers. There's not much you can do about that if that's the case, other than making sure you deliver the best in future orders.

You could try sending offers to buyer requests to get orders that way for a while. Maybe also check the gigs are the best they can be (eg. the text on the main image of the proofreading gig gets cut off a bit on the profile - maybe that could be changed).

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Same thing is happening to me, Almost half of my buyers didn't even left reviews (They're all happy with the delivery and some of them are repeated buyers) so I don't think they bothered to leave private review.

I think Fiverr pushing sellers who are jumping to heights quickly cause I got pass New Seller in 66 days sometimes I was working all day and night with multiple orders at hands, Now I have no orders for 17 days and impressions are down. 

I hope this fix on the new evaluation.

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