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I have a gig where I'm providing outreach services and this service covers almost all niches but in setting section I'm only able to select few niches which limits my gig reach in Fiverr search results is their any solution for this?

I have noticed there are lot of sellers providing same service but they have selected multiple niches (more then 5 niches per gig) My question is why I don't have same option?



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Okay, your topic title is on category change, but your question in the post is about the niche?

27 minutes ago, zahidmanais said:

I have noticed there are lot of sellers providing same service but they have selected multiple niches (more then 5 niches per gig) My question is why I don't have same option?

That's not something you'll find an answer to in the Forums. Have you already opened a ticket with Customer Support?

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3 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Okay, your topic title is on category change, but your question in the post is about the niche?

That's not something you'll find an answer to in the Forums. Have you already opened a ticket with Customer Support?

Yes I have opened but didn't get response. 

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1 minute ago, imagination7413 said:

How long ago? If it's been less than 24hrs, then please be patient. There are tens of thousands of users on Fiverr, and only so many SC agents.

Great! I have posted here just if I can get some suggestion about that may be I'm missing something so I can fix it.

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1 minute ago, zahidmanais said:

I have posted here just if I can get some suggestion about that may be I'm missing something so I can fix it.

Fair enough.

Just to caution you, you'll have limited posts in the Fiverr forums for a while. So you might want to hold back on any further posts for now, in case something new comes up, or you get a reply from CS that you have questions about. (Post limits are on a 24hr cycle, reset at GMT0000.)

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