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costumer doesnt deliver all sound material for work


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i made an offer for a costumer wich says i will edit 10 episodes of his podcast.

first he sent me 4 episodes and i edit them and sent them to him with the chat on fiverr.

now it been 14 days of extension and i didnt got the other 6 episodes to edit.

how can i charge him for the 4 episodes ive edit and finish this SAGA.

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Hate to say it, but you put yourself in a very difficult spot.

45 minutes ago, yotamargaman said:

i made an offer for a costumer wich says i will edit 10 episodes of his podcast. first he sent me 4 episodes and i edit them and sent them to him with the chat on fiverr.

Two mistakes here.

NEVER start work until you have EVERYTHING you need to FINISH an order.
NEVER deliver work through chat, ONLY use the 'Delivery' button. (And ONLY deliver if the order is ALL done.)

49 minutes ago, yotamargaman said:

how can i charge him for the 4 episodes ive edit and finish this SAGA

There's currently only one known workaround. (And you should probably get Fiverr Customer Support involved, so that they know what's going on.)

  • Build a new, detailed custom offer for the 4 episodes
  • The buyer needs to accept AND pay for the new order
  • Deliver the work you've done though the new order
  • The buyer will need to complete the new order (accept the delivery)
  • Cancel the original order

Yes, this will hit your completion rate. Yes, this means the buyer will have to put more money into Fiverr. Yes, it's a big hassle. Take this for the lesson it is. I do hope that this will work out for you, but BE FOREWARNED: if this is not a legitimate buyer who is willing to work with you, you might loose this order entirely, despite the work you've already done.

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1 hour ago, yotamargaman said:


i made an offer for a costumer wich says i will edit 10 episodes of his podcast.

first he sent me 4 episodes and i edit them and sent them to him with the chat on fiverr.

now it been 14 days of extension and i didnt got the other 6 episodes to edit.

how can i charge him for the 4 episodes ive edit and finish this SAGA.

I've done this mistake myself. The lesson I learned was to always split things like this into multiple, smaller orders, use milestones when possible, and always require all the material before you send a custom offer. 

Follow the advice from @imagination7413 - she's absolutely right. 

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24 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

NEVER start work until you have EVERYTHING you need to FINISH an order.

This is my policy, and still get into trouble. Clients have a tendency to remember that "oh, this is missing" after they confirmed I had everything, and only after the order has started (how convenient). There's literally nothing that can be done about it. If Fiverr actually enforced things, or hit buyers with penalties for failing to comply, then yeah. As things stand? Meh. Oh, how I dream for a platform that actually enforces rules. "You agreed to this and failed to uphold your part of the agreement? Tough luck, your funds are gone, the seller gets them, and you get nothing. Next time, don't lie".

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3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Clients have a tendency to remember that "oh, this is missing" after they confirmed I had everything

I know, right?! It's so bloody annoying. You ask, then ask again. I even have a big reminder in my order requirements. Does it help? No. The buyer suddenly "remembered" that they had something more. I once had a client who did this for a week. I was fairly new on Fiverr back then. If it happened today, I would explain to the client that I'm more than happy to take a look at the additional work, but this would also mean increasing the budget. If they refuse, I'll deliver the work as described, according to the information I had at the start of the order. Negative reviews be damned. Hasn't happened yet, though, since I'm rather patient and I'll take my time to educate the buyer if needed.

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30 minutes ago, smashradio said:

Negative reviews be damned.

Yeah, no. Outside this platform, yes. Inside it, no. I'd much rather have a cancelation. Unless you have thousands of reviews on a gig, and lots of reviews per month, a single negative one can make you drop a level, or nuke a gig. It's very easy to say "screw the unfair negative reviews" if you're a high volume seller. If you're a seller that makes 1-5 deals a month for thousands each, each review is vital. 

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9 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Yeah, no. Outside this platform, yes. Inside it, no. I'd much rather have a cancelation. Unless you have thousands of reviews on a gig, and lots of reviews per month, a single negative one can make you drop a level, or nuke a gig. It's very easy to say "screw the unfair negative reviews" if you're a high volume seller. If you're a seller that makes 1-5 deals a month for thousands each, each review is vital. 

Good point. I have medium volume. Normally, I prefer cancellations. But not if I have already done the work. 

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