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Buyer changed to a brand new topic


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Hi guys! This is my first writing gig on Fiverr and the buyer changed to a brand new topic after I delivered the draft we initially agreed on. He said that I can use this draft on my own website. What will you guys do? Will you get him to

1. cancel this order and order a new gig

2.top up to compensate for the effort put in, or

3. just let it pass and do the new topic he requests? 

Thank you so much in advance? 

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I know what I would’ve done: charge them extra. 
However if you are a new seller first reviews might be important so ultimatums your choice if you want to be paid or to risk a not so good review. 

As for me: I would’ve told them that unfortunately topic can not be changed after the work is delivered and writing on a new topic will cost x$ And send them an offer for the extra. I don’t let client bully me into doing free work. 

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As a new buyer, MY SUGGESTION is that you should politely communicate with client that this is not how it works, you put in effort to do any task. 
And now, he should pay you a bit extra (if he's not willing to pay the whole amount of new order). 

For future, mention these lines in your gig to be at safe side.

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On 4/6/2022 at 7:07 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

 I don’t let client bully me into doing free work. 

How do you not let them bully you?  I am currently in a situation with a bully and scammer who wants the work for nothing.  I guess I shouldn't have been kind and rewritten the work when he rejected the first submission, requesting changes that were completely different to the original brief.  As he is new to Fiverr, I thought I was being helpful to a new buyer.


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8 minutes ago, lynddg said:

As he is new to Fiverr, I thought I was being helpful to a new buyer.

I give away a lot of free stuff to my clients. But only if it’s my own initiative. 
If someone is showing entitlement to get something with a new brief free of charge as a revision it’s very important to set your boundaries right there. As with anything else. If you don’t set your bounds from the beginning then it’s tougher to justify you pushing back later on and client already knows that if they push hard enough they will get it from you. 
I’m also not afraid of bad reviews in those cases because I can always write my side of the story and that’s actually will be a good “scarecrow” for any other scammers that might read it before placing orders. 
And you can also use this situation to add FAQs on what you consider revisions and that everything that’s not in original brief is a new order or an extra. 

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