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Long breaks from Fiverr!?

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Hello guys and gals,

I haven't been active on the forum in quite a while but I now have a question for the Forum hive mind! 

What are your experiences with taking long breaks from Fiverr? How did your experience look like when you came back?

Here is how my situation looks like:

I have been working as a full-time freelancer for the past two years and I am now at a level where I make a sustainable and decent income from it. I have my client base and more often than not happy (and returning) customers. 

Now, I have also been building a business with a partner in the meantime which has high chances of success. We already validated it's ideas, it is making good revenues and we are about to scale (very easy part here, information product biz). 

This is why I am seriously considering focussing all my time on that. I know, don't put all your eggs into one basket, yada yada. And this is true! I wholeheartedly agree. Managing risks is what I look at the most when it comes to my ventures. But this is not the topic.

What interests me is whether some of you were able to pickup business once again on Fiverr after having been away from the platform for a longer time. I am aware that a big chunk of my customer base will probably break off if I should decide to take this step but I am curious as whether you see it as a reversible step?

I apologize, this thread is pretty self-serving but I'd appreciate your reply if you have made experiences with this!






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On 3/25/2022 at 9:23 AM, nik_eckerlebe said:

Now, I have also been building a business with a partner in the meantime which has high chances of success. We already validated it's ideas, it is making good revenues and we are about to scale (very easy part here, information product biz). 

Starting your own business is never easy, glad to hear you're making good progress. Best of luck on your business!

On 3/25/2022 at 9:23 AM, nik_eckerlebe said:

What interests me is whether some of you were able to pickup business once again on Fiverr after having been away from the platform for a longer time. I am aware that a big chunk of my customer base will probably break off if I should decide to take this step but I am curious as whether you see it as a reversible step?

The longest brake I have taken from Fiverr was probably 4 days. I haven't noticed a big difference once I got back to being available, but I imagine that taking long brakes (for example a month or half a year) can make it difficult to get back on track. I'm not sure how the level system works in this case, as I've seen level 2 sellers who had their last delivery 6 or more months ago, but I think the biggest issue would be that your returning clients would have found another seller for their projects by the time you return. 

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On 3/25/2022 at 4:51 PM, gajuseidi said:

Starting your own business is never easy, glad to hear you're making good progress. Best of luck on your business!

The longest brake I have taken from Fiverr was probably 4 days. I haven't noticed a big difference once I got back to being available, but I imagine that taking long brakes (for example a month or half a year) can make it difficult to get back on track. I'm not sure how the level system works in this case, as I've seen level 2 sellers who had their last delivery 6 or more months ago, but I think the biggest issue would be that your returning clients would have found another seller for their projects by the time you return.

Yes, you are right about that. Losing my customer base is more or less a given at that point. I can understand why customers would not want to wait for so long and move on, of course...

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