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Feelings about Drop Your Level Badge


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I felt it too much. Every sellers one of dream achive thier level up badge. It is a crazy one😜. Then they got some positive mind about their works and improving bout their skills and remake thier bad habits😍. Fiverr level badge give those mainly. I got my Fiverr level badge September. but unfortunately i losted it next day with canceling order from my side. im busy that movement and i canceled that order . How ever i losted my badge. 😪i losted my competition order to much . it was 71% now i need to cover it with 1 month and to get again my badge. 🤨 Im working for my dream aganin and again.  I updated my status with never give up🏅. I did 15+ Orders within one month and all my Orders i got with 5 star  rating with good reviews. my all works with 5  works.I got My badge again This Octomber again🤘.  Now im watchig  to climb my next level 😍. I give you all sellers one thing from my life experience. Don't fell down. If you fell down you need to standup again. Don't worry Take time and stand up again.👊  Never Give Up!!!!!!!!🏅

19 hours ago, thushanxeno said:

Every sellers one of dream achive thier level up badge.

I think it might be helpful for you to raise your dreams and goals a bit. A seller level is just a level. It comes with some advancement benefits, sure, but, at the end of the day, it is just a level, on a freelancing website. You will gain, and probably lose it, many times during your Fiverr freelancing career.

On 10/22/2021 at 9:12 PM, marufkash said:



On 10/22/2021 at 10:50 PM, thresiammajosep said:

Great motivation... Thank you


16 hours ago, jonbaas said:

I think it might be helpful for you to raise your dreams and goals a bit. A seller level is just a level. It comes with some advancement benefits, sure, but, at the end of the day, it is just a level, on a freelancing website. You will gain, and probably lose it, many times during your Fiverr freelancing career.

Thank you🏅


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