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Is it okay to use your personal website as a portfolio link in your gig description?
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Question: Hello, I'm SEO pbn Master working on Fiverr as on page seo and off page seo expert My level was 1 in Fiverr and success score was 8 but some days ago I gave got a notification from Fiverr that my level 1 is at risk and also my success score dropped to 0
By seo_pbn_master, in Starter Questions
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Guest rafiulhasan32
Hey guys, I know fiverr does not allow us to share any kind of link in gig description but earlier I was going through fiverr guidelines, And I saw an article where its written that there are actually some allowed website link that you can use as your portfolio. Such as flickr, blogspot, tumblr, vimeo and so.
So will it be wise for me to use such websites link in my fiverr gig description?
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