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Why is still my response rate gone down, when i reply soon



hi i have problem i reply soon buyer message .but this days my response rate gone down daily .can i know reason it ..

but i got some spam message i didn't reply them and i spam it. some how spam messages respone gone down??

may i need contact customer support?? please help .now my rate 87%

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3 answers to this question

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Once 60 days have passed, those spam messages will no longer affect your rate. You can try to reach out to support if you want, but it's probably just easier to wait it out. And, as you've discovered, it's a good idea to reply to the spam with a simple 'no' before you mark it as spam, so that this error won't happen in the future.

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10 hours ago, shansu said:

i didn't reply them and i spam it. some how spam messages respone gone down??

Hi there..

are you sure to choose the "spam" button? Not "Report" button?

I made a mistake when receiving spam message too. Instead of click the "spam", i click "report" and block.

So.., my response rate down like a hill.


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