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What's up with these buyers?

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My gig: *clearly mentions that I write fictional stories*

Some random buyer out of the blue: Hello, I will need this 200 pages e book, commercial rights included, about data analytics and psychology. You will need to perform extensive research. You need to include these 600 keywords that I listed. Blah, blah, blah. Oh, and please provide me with at least 5 samples of your previous work to help me understand your style 🙂

Me: "....."

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3 minutes ago, thewritingbuff said:

clearly mentions that I write fictional stories

So... I have a format guide up for two of my 'specific' gigs (that honestly are kinda niche so, why not?) because I'd thought, being the dumb bean I am, that the reason why people kept ordering an interactive story when they wanted an ebook was because I wasn't clear enough - I mean, I mentioned CYOA and interactive like, five times but that's nothing, right?

...it did not help. 

So I'm now convinced that people don't read descriptions (half the time) They like your picture and write to you hoping that you'll happen to offer what they want. The 'five prior samples' smells pretty odd to start with... maybe they are hoping to catch a 'newbie' at non-fiction so they can get 'em to do more? I dunno, I might just be paranoid! But it's frustrating alright!

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14 hours ago, katakatica said:
14 hours ago, thewritingbuff said:

clearly mentions that I write fictional stories

So... I have a format guide up for two of my 'specific' gigs (that honestly are kinda niche so, why not?) because I'd thought, being the dumb bean I am, that the reason why people kept ordering an interactive story when they wanted an ebook was because I wasn't clear enough - I mean, I mentioned CYOA and interactive like, five times but that's nothing, right?

...it did not help. 

So I'm now convinced that people don't read descriptions (half the time) They like your picture and write to you hoping that you'll happen to offer what they want.

Society if Fiverr buyers read gig titles, descriptions and FAQs:


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14 hours ago, katakatica said:

The 'five prior samples' smells pretty odd to start with... maybe they are hoping to catch a 'newbie' at non-fiction so they can get 'em to do more? I dunno, I might just be paranoid! But it's frustrating alright!

Well, better luck catching someone else then! Within a month of signing up, I found that I sucked at non fiction and article writing and nuked all those gigs. SEO? Keywords? Research? No thanks, I would rather stick to looking up the 800 different synonyms of "walk", "sit" and "look" 

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