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Gig not going to publish


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Can’t help without more details. Which step are you stuck on, and can you provide a screenshot?

can you guide me please i want to write gig tittle

is that correct? mean it follows fiveer TOS

i will grow your youtube watch hours


Ah, sorry, no. That service is against YouTube’s ToS, and it is therefore against Fiverr’s ToS. That would likely explain why you cannot publish the gig.

You replied too late dear but thanks


Using “Dear” in place of someone’s name/username is very colloquial and I thought this would help some sellers with their communication wink



“Dear seller”

“Dear buyer”

“Dear NAME” (example: Dear Bob)

“Dear USERNAME” (example: Dear Bob1989)




“Hi Dear”

“Yes Dear”

“No Dear”


Using a person’s username or actual name is a better choice than simply calling them Dear (it’s much more appropriate), and it will help you build a relationship with clients.


Using “Dear” in place of someone’s name/username is very colloquial and I thought this would help some sellers with their communication wink GOOD USES: “Dear seller”“Dear buyer”“Dear NAME” (example: Dear Bob)“Dear USERNAME” (example: Dear Bob1989)NOT GOOD: “Hi Dear”“Yes Dear”“No Dear”Using a person’s username or actual name is a better choice than simply calling them Dear (it’s much more appropriate), and it will help you build a relationship with clients.

i got this point that u share

Guest tenebres_telrei

You replied too late dear but thanks

Maybe you should have read ToS first and then contact SC. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


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