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I can't find my gig by using search engine


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Hello, so like 2 or 3 months ago my gig was on the 1st-2nd page but it randomly dissapire
i had around 90% response rate and a little bit below 90% order completion (wasnt doing good at all)

Since that happend i improve a lot with my gig did around 70+ orders in 2 months have few returning customers and everything is working fine expect that i cant find myself. Now i have 98% response rate and 98% completion orders

So the problem is that when i type ‘‘rocket league’’ in search engine im not able to find my gig on the any of the pages (was looking on the 1st one and 16th last one) But! i can find myself in ‘‘local sellers’’ and ‘‘online’’ categories which is weird i think

I was looking on a forum that a 2 sellers had same problem as mine (1 seller had even around 20k earned from fiverr and 1k+ reviews). One seller was back on 1st page after 2 months and the other one was back on 1st page after 4 months. I asked if they were changing titles,tags etc but they werent

So the question is why something like this happening and if someone had similiar problem


I have the same problem and it has lasted for around 3 months, no new enquiry, no new clients, very quiet every day. You know, I am not a new seller, I have 3200+ positive reviews, 5.0 and 10 years of working experience on fiverr. We can understand fiverr’s will that to provide new sellers with more exposure by hiding veteran sellers, but fiverr doesn’t take buyers’ will into account, buyers don’t want to try so many new sellers’ service as it might be an adventure with risk, if they cannot find veteran sellers easily, they will go to other platforms instead of searching and searching pages by pages. I think intervening market manually is really a stupid strategy. Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s;and to God the things that are God’s

Guest gownix123

Have similiar problem anyone got the solution?


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