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Get Rid of a Rude Buyer


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Hello, I am a level 2 seller on Fiverr and I’ve never had any problems with buyers up until now. A buyer asked me to review his material and I gave him a price for it. He then proceeded to tell me he’s on a budget and can’t afford my work. I recommended to him to look for Fiverr promotions or discounts if he’s looking for a lower price. He then said my price point was unfair and it’s not justified. I just explained to him that this is a business and I can’t be selling my items for lower prices because I need to pay for materials, labor, shipping, and my cut to Fiverr. He then said he will pass then called me a scammer. Is there a way to report him or make sure another buyer doesn’t have to deal with that?

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You can try Reporting his conversation in the Chat. Hopefully CS will have a nice little conversation with him (maybe with a phone book and a cricket bat so he gets to understand that nature of hitting someone whilst “only pretending” or “just saying”).

You must sell for what you must sell for. Only you get to tell yourself that you are being mean about it. if a customer doesn’t like you price they have fingers or a mouse.

I suggest blocking him totally at least as he is a nasty piece of work.


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Some Buyers are…um, cheap.

There’s no nice way to put it.

I’ve had them, too.

They do not value you if they do not see the value in your work.

Cut them out of your life (block 'em) as you do not need toxic people in your circle when you are trying to operate a business.

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I’m often guilty of shooting from the hip, but even I have learnt that the best way to deal with these people is to not engage in any conversation beyond a quick reply like “Quality, experience, skill and time costs money, and if you’re not prepared to invest then you need to look elsewhere”. BLOCK. End of. I only bother to use that many words to make me feel better lol.

I totally get that these people can be as frustrating as hell, but don’t waste your time, energy and emotions (and it does become emotional when you feel that people are questioning your rate) by getting sucked into their mean little world. Leave them to it.

Unless the ‘buyer’ (and I use that term loosely) has been actually rude to the point of breaking community guidelines, then don’t waste your time reporting them to Fiverr. People are allowed to ask for a better rate / discount, etc.

EDIT: I’ve just reread your post, and saw they called you a scammer. Yes, you might want to report them - or personally I would just leave it alone, as I wouldn’t want Fiverr paying too close attention to my gigs and messages, just in case they notice something that isn’t right!

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