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What is impression means in the GIG


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Impressions are simply the number of times somebody has seen your gig in the search results or on other pages throughout the site. I can’t say the amount that is suitable, as it truly depends on the gig and the seller. But obviously the higher the number of impressions, the more chances you have at converting into a sale.


Dear friend

I hope you are doing well.

Thanks for questing and actively participate on Fiverr.com community forums.

You would like to know more about impression especially on Fiverr.com

Before you understand what is impression means on Fiverr.com, I would like to; let you know how many kind of impressions are available on digital marketing.

Impressions are as follows:-

  1. If you have a banner Ad on your website then if you get visitor just landed on you page then it is visiting viewing impression.
  2. If you have a banner Ad on your website and after landed on your page one of your visitor just clicked on you banner Ad, then you will be getting a Click impression
  3. If you have a Pop-under Ads inside your website, which cannot be seen as it is scripted with HTML codes, therefore if you got clicked anywhere inside your webpage a popup page will appear which is also called as POP-UP AD impression.

Now I let you understand when a buyer search on Fiverr search engine and if the buyer found on your niche or Gigs, or even looked on your Gigs or views without clicking on your Gigs that means you will have impression but if got clicked on your Gig then it is been recorded as you got 1 impression and 1 click so far.

I hope, your queries has been solved.

Let me know, if I am right? You can share your opinion with me.

Thanks from my heart!


Dear friend


I hope you are doing well.

Thanks for questing and actively participate on Fiverr.com community forums.

You would like to know more about impression especially on Fiverr.com

Before you understand what is impression means on Fiverr.com, I would like to; let you know how many kind of impressions are available on digital marketing.

Impressions are as follows:-

  1. If you have a banner Ad on your website then if you get visitor just landed on you page then it is visiting viewing impression.
  2. If you have a banner Ad on your website and after landed on your page one of your visitor just clicked on you banner Ad, then you will be getting a Click impression
  3. If you have a Pop-under Ads inside your website, which cannot be seen as it is scripted with HTML codes, therefore if you got clicked anywhere inside your webpage a popup page will appear which is also called as POP-UP AD impression.

Now I let you understand when a buyer search on Fiverr search engine and if the buyer found on your niche or Gigs, or even looked on your Gigs or views without clicking on your Gigs that means you will have impression but if got clicked on your Gig then it is been recorded as you got 1 impression and 1 click so far.

I hope, your queries has been solved.

Let me know, if I am right? You can share your opinion with me.

Thanks from my heart!

i really appreciate for such a brief explanation as this is whole lot for me. As the question of activity, i want to use fiverr with the purpose this platform is made. In that course i come across number of hurdles so at fiverr four i feel that i am in home and i can ask any thing


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