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Fiverr not reply me please guide me


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Please guide me
i ordered from seller but seller did not make my order and send sample video , i request cancellation but seller not accept and make ticket for fiverr support but after about 4 days fiverr not reply me

and today received message from fiverr that my order is auto complete
i really upset about this that fiverr auto complete my order , i request cancellation and wrote all info that this seller is bad and not make my order
even yesterday , Deliver EMPTY order for buy 3 days MORE time but don’t know why not received reply from fiverr
thank you



Please guide me

i ordered from seller but seller did not make my order and send sample video , i request cancellation but seller not accept and make ticket for fiverr support but after about 4 days fiverr not reply me

and today received message from fiverr that my order is auto complete

i really upset about this that fiverr auto complete my order , i request cancellation and wrote all info that this seller is bad and not make my order

even yesterday , Deliver EMPTY order for buy 3 days MORE time but don’t know why not received reply from fiverr

thank you

Because of the pandemic, Fiverr support is taking up to 10 days to respond. If you reported the seller for: :point_down:t2:

Deliver EMPTY order for buy 3 days MORE time but don’t know why not received reply from fiverr

They should refund your money and give the seller a warning.


I think you have the option for asking for revisions or rejecting the delivery when the seller delivers… So as long as you keep on rejecting the delivery if the seller did not deliver what was asked the order will not get closed (?) I think. But yes, the best resolution is on Fiverr support, I hope they reply to you soon!


i have other question hope you guide me
My first ticket that i make for customer service about my problem is still Open
But when i don’t receive response from fiverr i make another ticket for customer service but now when i check them , their status is Closed and marked SOLVED
So i have panic when its show SOLVED and closed

another thing is my order is autocomplete and its seems money is released for seller ? correct ? because receive Feedback about my order from fiverr

i make request from here : https://fiverr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests
is this correct or i must send on other address for make faster answer from fiverr ? thanks


It is best to only send one request. I have heard when you send more that It is automatically seen as spam and gets marked solved.


after 5 days without any answer then if still fiverr don’t reply me then can i send ticket support with another email address ? because maybe they don’t check my ticket or was go spam

my first request is still open

can i make new request with new email address ?



after 5 days without any answer then if still fiverr don’t reply me then can i send ticket support with another email address ? because maybe they don’t check my ticket or was go spam

my first request is still open

can i make new request with new email address ?

after 5 days without any answer then if still fiverr don’t reply me then can i send ticket support with another email address ?

Because of the pandemic, Fiverr customer service is taking up to 10 days to reply. It will be best if you wait for now.


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